Tuesday, December 28, 2010

2010 in Review

2010 in Review

2010 has been a challenging but fruitful year. I’m learning to get over myself. I believe that the valuable lessons learned will lead to 2011 being a great year! I think it will be challenging, but I think my perspective and attitude will make all the difference. Basically, I need to learn to be less selfish. In some ways, I blame being single and having no children. My world revolves around me (smile).

As you know, I have a goal to take one major trip each year. This year, I visited Greece, Belgium, and the Netherlands. For the Greece portion, I joined a tour group. My experience emphasized that Rick Steves is the best company to tour with if you are going to tour, but I am bias. The highlights of this portion of the trip were going to Patmos and seeing the cave where John is believed to have written Revelation and going to Ephesus in Turkey and seeing the Grand Theater that is mentioned in the Book of Acts. Paul preached there! I also really loved Santorini. It would be a great place to go on my honeymoon! Belgium was a great place to relax. I loved a church called Church of Our Lady. It was such a peaceful place to visit each day I was there. I totally loved Amsterdam. I think a lot of people think of the Red Light District and drugs when they think of Amsterdam. I think of a great, historic city with tons of canals and bridges. It was so magical and is right up there with Dublin as one of my favorite places I’ve been to.

I also traveled to Los Angeles in May. My dear friend Samarah got married, and I was a bridesmaid. The week following, I went to NYC for my job. It was a great trip, and I managed to catch a couple of shows (Avenue Q and Rock of Ages).

This year there was a close death and birth in my life. My aunt that raised me pasted away. If I could go back, I would have done a lot of things differently, but sometimes we assume we have all the time to get things right. I am grateful that I was able to wish her a Happy Mother’s Day one last time. It was a painful reminder that you don’t know how long you have with people. It’s so important to clear the air with people and be present in their lives. My good friend Desiree had a baby boy in October! Another nephew to add to the mix. I am so happy for her family.

I am still working for the Port of Seattle. October 1, 2010, marked my 14th anniversary (included my temp time). I am grateful to have a job.

Church is going well. I am putting the final touches to the first issue of year ten of our newsletter. It’s hard to believe it’s been that long. It continues to be something I enjoy. I know I was called to write, and my skills as an editor are improving. I am also an usher still. I have come a long way from my “mean usher” days. God has been good to me. God has surrounded me with wonderful people. I am truly blessed in this area. God has sent me a lot of love, and I am thankful for it.

I started a new journey as I am locking my hair. I started January 8, 2010, and it's come a long way. The hair has its own heartbeat. I love it! I so want to get a nose ring, but that will probably have to wait until I am self employed.

I have no idea of what 2011 will bring, but I am excited. God is doing amazing things and is ever patient with me.

I pray that you had a Merry Christmas and will have a Happy New Year!

Heart of the Matter

This was written for my church newsletter. This issue enters us into year 10!

Michael W. Smith sings a song called “Heart of Worship.” One of the lines of the song is, “You search much deeper within through the way things appear you’re looking into my heart.” But, how do we know what is really in the hearts of people?

Lately, I’ve had two reoccurring thoughts. The first thought is that things are not as they appear. The second thought is that people are not who they appear to be. I feel like there is something going on that I am missing. I feel like there is a message in the atmosphere that is ringing out. Have you ever felt like God was trying to tell you something, but every day, mundane life was drowning out the message?

A portion of my feelings stem from the fact that I am beginning to comprehend that the time I long for has long since slipped away. I realize that the harsher realities of life and the darker side of the human condition have wreaked havoc on my sensitive, inner child. The age of innocence has indeed ended, if it ever were.

There is a Portuguese word, saudades, that I heard described as, “Nostalgia for a time or a place or a thing that may never have been and may never be.” Perhaps our memories of the past are rosier than the truth, which is why we keep turning back to it even though God is telling us to move forward.

I am trying to move forward, and I find comfort in the fact that God sees and understands the real me. Even when I was known as the “mean usher,” God saw me as more than that. Despite what people don’t understand, know, or comprehend, God sees our hearts. So, even though I can’t shake the feeling that things are not what they seem and people are not who they appear to be, it doesn’t matter.

God is a God who knows and sees all. My judgments of people are often based on my own (often bias) perception, with little insight of their heart, their past, and their God-given future. No matter what our past or present sins and crimes are, none of us are beyond repentance. If one of us is not, then none of us are.

The year of 2011 is going to be an interesting year. God is challenging me to become a better person. I can be a better woman, friend, colleague, neighbor, and citizen. I can do a better job of using my gifts and talents for the Kingdom. Of course, this would involve being less selfish, which is something I struggle with. It is time for me to gauge and understand the signs of the times. The Bible continually tells us to let him who has an ear to hear, hear. I want to hear.

Even when I look in the mirror and face my own internal struggles, I have to hold on to my faith that whatever is in front of me is better than what I have been. Our latter will be greater!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Second post from work blog

This is another blog I did for my job’s blog. This was actually done December 28, 2009, so it’s not quite a year old. The question was posed December 23, 2009, on how employees were going to spend their “holidays” (aka Christmas and New Years’).

On a side note, I noticed this year people aren’t scared to say Christmas! I made a point of saying Christmas on this blog and not “holiday”. Holiday is better than “Xmas”, which I used when I was younger because I thought it was an abbreviation for Christmas. I was horrified when I learned this word was actually to “X” out Christ. Lord, forgive me. I had no idea!!! I see red when I see that word.

I called it, “Food, Fun, and Fellowship.”

I’m late, but here is what I did.

Christmas Eve, the family gathered for food, fun, and fellowship. We had an assortment of foods ranging from chili dogs to fried chicken to Chinese food. We also had a few healthier choices like veggie and fruit trays. Of course, one can’t forget the desserts of pies, cakes, and cupcakes. We also had games like Candy Land and Operation for the kids. At some point in the evening, we found a Christmas Story and watched part of the marathon. (On a side note: When I was growing up, my sisters and I used to stay up all night watching the movie over and over again so it brings back good memories).

Christmas day the family regrouped and we had our State of the Union address, which the kids call the “speeches.” We talked about the year, the importance of family unity, and what the days means to our family.

The kids went wild for the presents and then we had dinner. It was great: turkey, dressing, yams, macaroni and cheese, gravy, homemade rolls, greens, prime rib, and I think I’m forgetting something. Plus desserts like pecan pie and pound cake.

So, now on to the New Year’s Day, where I pledge to eat better so I can do it all again next year!

Questions's From Yam's Blog Three

Questions's From Yam's Blog Three
Okay, so there is another 29 days left in 2010. For some reason, I just want to get this out!
What did you do in 2010 that you'd never done before?
Normally when I travel internationally, I travel with someone for all or part of the trip. This year, it was just me.

Did you keep your New Years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
My goals for 2010 were:
Travel, write, work on health
I traveled, and I wrote. My health, I need to get better at.
Goals for 2011: Same as last year ;)

Did anyone close to you give birth?
Yes, my friend/sister Desiree had a baby boy.

Did anyone close to you die?
Yes, my aunt who raised me. I was sadder than I ever thought I could be.

What countries did you visit?
Greece, Belgium, and Netherlands. Technically also Turkey but that was on a cruise call.

What would you like to have in 2011 that you lacked in 2010?
I would actually like to meet my future husband!

What date from 2010 will remain etched upon your memory?
October 17 – 30 (my trip days)

What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Being honest to myself about some of my behavior. Actually a goal in 2011 would be to really work on changing it.

What was your biggest failure?
Knowingly and willingly partaking in behavior that isn’t healthy

Did you suffer illness or injury?

What was the best thing you bought?
My trip

Whose behavior merited celebration

Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
It’s in the vault – again

Where did most of your money go?
The trip

What did you get really, really, really excited about?
My trip (common theme)

What song/album will always remind you of 2010?
Nothing stands out

Compared to this time last year, are you:
happier or sadder? About the same
thinner or fatter? Fatter
richer or poorer? Richer

What do you wish you'd done more of?
Correcting my own behavior. Easy to focus on others, harder to turn the spotlight to myself.

What do you wish you'd done less of?
Brooding over dumb people and events (same as last year). Also putting energy and thought into people who could care less about me, when it comes down to it.

How will you be spending New Year's?
Watch Night service at church then home where I will have sparkling cider.

Who did you spend the most time on the phone with?

Did you fall in love in 2010?

How many one night stands in this last year?
Not my style

What was your favourite TV programme?
Seinfeld (syndicated/DVDs) and the Office.

Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
No. Takes too much energy!

What was the best book(s) you read?
I keep rereading the same books

What was your greatest musical discovery?
Same bands from last year

What did you want and get?

What did you want and not get?
Winning the mega millions

What were your favorite films of this year?
Still loving the oldies

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 36, and I can’t remember

What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Winning the mega millions

How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2010?
Cute and comfortable but starting to branch out

What kept you sane?
My pastor (I was on the ledge a few times)

Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
I still like Clive Owen a lot. I also like Mark Wahlberg.

What political issue stirred you the most?
The immigration debate. I can clearly see both sides of it and there seem to be no easy solutions.

Who did you miss?
My friends who live out of the state/country

Who was the best new person you met?
Did I meet any new people?

Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2010.
Work while it is still day!

Quote a song lyric that sums up your year?
I’m Ready for Love

Post from work blog

My job has a blog for employees. I have posted twice.

I posted this today in response to a question from a coworker regarding my November 22, 2010, commute! For those who don’t live in Seattle, it snowed that day. Seattle is not equipped to handle snow on roads. Too many hills and too many people who aren’t used to driving in the snow.

It was titled, “Turns out it wasn't so bad!”

I SHOULD have left work early, but alas, I left at my regular time (4:30) with my Port laptop. The new snow made walking the fifteen to twenty minutes to my bus stop easier. A 20-minute bus ride, turned into an hour and fifteen minutes. The bus was fine, but traffic was backed up from the abandoned cars along the way. I went back and forth between pity for the drivers who had to abandon their cars to rage at them from leaving their cars in the middle of busy streets. Once I made it to my destination bus stop, I made a quick detour to Safeway and prepared to hunker down. The entire time, I was whispering, Thank You! I was happy and grateful to have made it home safe. The new snow also made walking down two hills easier. I thought my commute was LONG, until I watched the ten o’clock news and learned that some people were still stuck on I-5. I also began reading Facebook comments from friends whose commutes ranged from 3 hours to 5 hours, and I realized how lucky I was! I ended up working from home on Tuesday and Wednesday, and I have to say I loved it.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I am thankful for...

As Thanksgiving nears, I thought it would be good to focus on what I am thankful for!

1. I am thankful to be a Child of God. He blesses me and protects me. He has shielded me from a lot.
2. I am thankful for friends and family who support and love me. I am so blessed to have a strong support system.
3. I am thankful for shelter. It’s cold outside and I have a clean, warm home to take refuge in.
4. I am thankful for a good job with benefits. This is something I should appreciate more and stop taking for granted.
5. I am thankful for my health. I have use of my limbs and am in my right mind.
6. I am thankful that God has made away for me to travel. I am still trying to figure out where this desire will take me.
7. I am thankful for the writing gift God has given me. It helps me clear my mind and express myself.
8. I am thankful that I am financially stable. I am thankful that God has given me a job that supports my needs and some of my wants.
9. I am thankful to God for all the times he has not given me things I was sure I wanted. I can say he protected me from myself.
10. I am thankful that God protects me. I read the paper and watch the news and thank God for his protection.
11. I am thankful that God has not given up on me even though I don’t always act right.
12. I am thankful that God has given me time to grow up, mature, and deal with some of my issues.

I have so much to be grateful for.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Reliving the Trip

I’m currently in the process of putting my pictures in photo albums. I love this part because it makes me relive the experience. Although I was in Greece a month ago, it feels like a lifetime away. Time is beginning to feel that way quite a bit. It’s like once time is gone, that is it. There is no getting it back. My mortality is in the forefront of my mind, and I can’t help but keep pondering that the time of innocence is over.

I actually put the pictures in the albums once. There are three. I got towards the end of the last one, and I realized I still had more pictures to go. For a minute, I thought I had done a miscalculation. I have more pictures than space, so I took some pictures out that would not be included in the album. Other pictures would be “doubled up” in the same spot. I went back and behold I had missed pages in the previous two albums. Note to self; next time around check this before moving on to the next album.

Anyway, I initially just moved some pictures forward, but then the order of the trip starting getting mixed up and it would mess up my commentary. So, last night, I painstakingly removed all the pictures. Tonight or sometime in the near future, I need to put them back in the correct order. Luckily, I can sort them by location. I then have to separate the pictures that didn’t make the album. The final step is my running commentary so I can remember just what exactly everything is!

I know I say this a lot, but if only money wasn’t an issue!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Here is a link to pictures from my trip.


Password is:



The only downside of traveling is...

The only downside of traveling is jet lag! It’s 3:19 a.m., and I am wide awake.

Yesterday, around 2:30 I was bragging to a friend how I didn’t have any jet lag. Ha!

I got back Saturday afternoon, and I spent some time with LQ and S. Around 6:00ish, I started feeling tired. I went to bed around 7:30ish. I got up around 3:30, but I managed to drift in and out of sleep. Went to church, and managed to hang out until around 8:00. I came home and went to bed. I’m pretty sure I slept well. Yesterday, around 5:00, I got so tired. So I took a nap until six then went to bed around 8:00. Now I’m wide awake! I took yesterday off so today is the first day back to work.

My trip home was relatively quick. I watched Just Wright, Date Night, The A-Team, The Losers, and most of Letters to Juliet. It made the trip go by fast.

I am actually glad to be home. I missed my peeps! It felt good to sleep in my own bed. Most nights, I had twin beds, so it was nice to layout in my queen. In Belgium, I thought I had a queen, but it was two twin beds in disguise. It was very uncomfortable to land where the two beds met! I did have a queen for one of my nights in Athens. It was relatively soft. The other beds were small and hard. Not a good combo for a person who likes to stretch out in a soft bed!

Anyway, it’s so good to be home. I’ll post pictures soon!

P.S. Don’t forget to vote!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Amsterdam 3

Today, I went to the Anne Frank House. Hard to believe that eight people lived in that cramped space for two years. I read her book when I was young, and I liked her immediately. It was a very sobering experience. It took place in the neighborhood I'm staying in.

I took a canal cruise afterwards. The water must have soothed me because I returned to my hotel and took an hour nap. My vacation is making me tired. LOL! There were some really nice shots to be taken. I can't wait to see my pictures.

Then I went to the Amsterdam History Museum. Afterwards, just walked around. Today, is my last day touring. There is a point in my vacations when I am horribly homesick. This happened very early this vacation. Now that it's over, I wouldn't mind another day or two to just chill and walk around.

The weather on my trip started off bad - really bad. It got better and my last day here is absolutely perfect. No rain. Mild fall weather. Beautiful! To think I wanted to come home early. Yes, the rain has ended and the future doesn't look as bleak as it did.

I'm not sure if I mentioned this, but I went to Dam Square yesterday. It was pretty chaotic with people and rides. It's where the city started in 1250.

I got reminded of the Acts of Mercy through the art I saw. It's a good reminder to get over myself already.

- Giving food, drink, and clothing to the needy
- Sheltering the homeless
- Caring for the Sick
- Visiting those in prison
- Burying the dead

Anyway, in 24 hours, I will be home bound! Pray for me.


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Amsterdam 2/Haarlam

Today has been full of activity!

I got up and somehow ended up at Central Station on my way to Haarlam. Not sure how. LOL. Actually, I decided to do a test run to the Central Station to see how long it would take me to get there by tram.

In Haarlam, I went to Grote Kerk Church. The original church burned in a fire in 1328. The church standing was built over a 150-year period (1390 to 1540). It's quite beautiful. The ceilings are high and the space seems quite gigantic.

I also went to the Frans Hals Museum. There were some interesting pieces in there. It was actually refreshing to be there because I could actually study the works in peace. The museums yesterday were so crowded and congested. It was actually frustrating at times. So there were a lot of pieces that were showing the poor and peasants drunk or acting of pocket. They were reminders to the rich to be somber. It was a contrast to some of the works I saw yesterday that tried to show the struggles the poor faced. The hunger, the lack of shelter, the sadness, etc. There were also some pieces about the vanity of life and no matter how young you are death is coming. Life is fleeting. When I was there I kept wondering if it would be vain to have a large portrait of myself painted. LOL. With technology, I don't have to worry about people "remembering" me.

I walked around the city, which is def more quiet and then took the train back to Amsterdam. I went to the Red Light District because there were two places I wanted to go to there. There was Old Church (Oude Kerk). Construction began in the 1300s and lasted 300 years. I also wanted to go to the Amstelkring Museum, which is where Our Lord in the Attic was. Between 1578 and 1795 Catholics were not allowed to openly have worship services. The church was built in a townhouse and Catholics could worship there in secret.

I had to walk in the Red Light District to see all this. I'm not easily shocked. I smelled pot, yes, but I also smell it downtown Seattle while waiting for my bus. Yeah, there were sex shops. The thing that bothered me the most was how the women were "displayed"." They were in these narrow alleyways and in windows. Some windows were shut so I assumed the person was with a customer. It was very sad, actually. What do you want to be when you grow up?

I also went to the New Church, which is 600 years old and 100 years younger than the old church mentioned above.

Tomorrow is my last day of sightseeing. Saturday morning, I head to the airport for my 1:50 p.m. flight home. I need to go to the Anne Frank House. I might take in a canal cruise, which should be lovely!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Yesterday morning, I left Brugge behind and took the train to Amsterdam. The question of Brussels was settled for me as the train went through Antwerp again! So Brussels next trip!

I got to my hotel and settled in. I went for a walk to figure out where I was in location to the places I planned on visiting today. Had to scout out the area! I am staying in the Jordaan district, which is so picture perfect. I love Amsterdam. It's right up there with Dublin. If it wasn't for my plan to meet some nice Irish boy, import him into the U.S., send him to A.A., and marry him, I might just like Amsterdam better. LOL.

Got up this morning and hit the pavement. My hotel is close enough to walk to the Rijksmuseum and Van Gogh so I took off that way. I overshot the museum to go to the De Pijp District. It was cool. There are a few streets that are basically an open air market. Lot's of people and tables of things ranging from clothes to meat to seafood to nuts to cheese.

Then off to the Rijksmuseum which covered everyone from Rembrandt, Hals, Vermeer, and Steen. There is a square called Museumplein that I walked through before going to the Van Gogh. There were some Monets and Manets and artists who inspired him as well as his works.

I had three or four more museums I intended to see, but now not so sure. Will def see Anne Frank House. It's actually very near where I am saying. Like three or four minutes away. The others may have to wait until the next time.

I also walked through Vondelpark, which is Amsterdam's central park. I basically spent around an hour just taking it all in. It's beautiful. The leaves are fall colors and quite picture perfect.

My final stop today was Leidseplein which has cafes and restaurants. I can imagine it brimming over on a summer day.

I had intended to visit Haarlam Friday. I still have a day of site seeing tomorrow. I may just sleep in on Friday and spend my last day walking around exploring the different canals. The pictures may or may not all look like they are the same street but they are different.

It's very peaceful here. The fall weather isn't so bad. Still some rain, but I think I'm getting used to it!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Brugge x2

Today, I slept in. It rained hard this morning, but it has been nice and sunny since I've been out with the exception of a small shower. I took a canal cruise which was very nice. I'm glad I did because I noticed some great shots I didn't notice on land. Brugge has been a good place to come and relax! I'm also a lazy American tourist because I love that everyone speaks English. LOL.

I spent most of the day wandering around. Just tried different back streets to see what I could find.

Returned to Our Lady, which may have overtaken St. Coleman's as my favorite church. I'm thinking about going there for mass tonight. We will see.

I ate quite a bit today. No dinner as I'm stuffed. I tried Belgium chocolate from two places. Yum! I tried two samples from each place. They were good. The Belgium waffle was good too. I understand that Belgians eat theirs plain, but I had chocolate on mine. Def, not the breakfast waffle I imagined. Finally, did try Belgium fries. Try this at home kids. It's basically fries with mayonnaise. LOL. The only thing I didn't try is mussels. They are okay, but I'm not a huge fan, and would rather spend the euros on something else.

Nothing much to report today. Basically have just been wandering around and taking pictures. I'll head home early and organize and read and hit the sack early.

Tomorrow, I catch the train to Amsterdam. Jury is still out on whether I decide to stop in Brussels. At this point, I'm indifferent!

Hard to believe a week ago I was in Greece. I was either in Mykonos or close to being there. Hard to believe in a week, I'll be home. Greece seems so far away. Then again, so does home. Time normally goes by so fast, but I'm not sure it has this trip. It's neither good nor bad. Just interesting.

Okay. I can't run the spell check on this one. Forgive any misspelling. I'll correct them later!

I miss you!

Sunday, October 24, 2010


I woke up very early Saturday morning, and headed for the airport. I went to bed gang buster early, but couldn't sleep very well. I was concerned about not waking up. I again had serious thoughts of canceling the rest of the vacation. I have no idea what my dilemma is, but I pressed on, and here I am in Brugge!

I took the train from Amsterdam here. My train was through Antwerp. I decided to walk around the city for a minute so I basically walked around the area surrounding the station. The station itself was very beautiful! Amazing.

Arrived in Brugge and located by bed and breakfast. I rested and got organized, and I then decided to walk around so I would have some idea of where I was going to be going today. I ended up in Market Square and visited the Church of Our Lady. There was a group practicing for the Eucharist service, and I sat and listened. I decided to stay for mass. Then headed home.

I went to bed early and slept 12 hours. Guess I was tired!

Got up and had breakfast and then off.

Today I've done quite a lot of walking! I went back to Market Square and back to the Church of our Lady, which I find so peaceful! I was going to climb the steps the Bell Tower, but part of the view is blocked because of work. For 366 steps, I want a full view. LOL. I walked around Burg Square. I visited the Basilica of the Holy Blood. The relic, which is believed to be the Blood of Christ, was available, and people had a chance to touch it and pray. The Groeninge Museum is exhibiting some modern art. I'm not a fan. I went to the Memling Museum, which has some impressive pieces. They also had some displays of the modern art, which again I don't really like. Case in point the HUGE inflated "balloon" of a naked man. Really? I spent a lot of time in the Minnewater Park. Very beautiful and peaceful. Also visited the Begijnhot, which is where Benedictine nuns live.

It pours rain at intervals and then the sun shines very brightly. It's actually warm when the sun is out. It makes for a nice, fall day. Now the rain and hail, did I mention it hailed, not so much! Actually with the hail melting, it actually looks like snow.

Tonight, I'm going to reread my guidebook to make sure I didn't miss anything. I'm indifferent towards the chocolates, fries, and waffles now. We will see how I feel tomorrow. Then it's do it now or wait for the next trip. LOL.

I'm not sure if I will blog tomorrow. If not, I leave here Tuesday for Amsterdam for four nights.

Friday, October 22, 2010


I forgot to mention one story from Rhodes. I was walking around and restaurant workers were trying to entice me and everyone else into their restaurants. So, this one guy asks me where I was from. I said Seattle. He said, ah Seattle! In Africa? I was like, um no USA. LOL.

Yesterday morning, we arrived in Crete at 7:30. The departure was 11:00. So, what happened was, I intended to get up at 8:00 then 9:00...long story short, I missed Crete. Bummed, but a sister was tired! I already plan on coming back to Greece, so it's all good. LOL.

I feel I should mention that it has been raining a lot, but when the sun clears for a few, it's very nice and warm. So, in Rhodes, after the rain, it was gorgeous ;).

I love Santorini. The weather was fantastic and made for a lovely sunset. That would be a great spot to have a vacation home. To borrow a line from my friend Dreeny, "A message to the one." Well my message is that I want to honeymoon in Greece. Actually, I had always wanted to save Greece for my honeymoon. I keep seeing all these gorgeous rings so I feel like marrying myself. LOLLOL.

I rode this crazy cable car ride up to the top, which reminded me of the crazy cable car ride in Singapore. This one was much shorter! I rode it with the couple from California, Steve and Sarah. We parted ways, then I found them and we hung out some more.

When it was time to head back, the line to return to the ship via cable car was SO long. Luckily our tour guide, Vassiliki, had told us to find her and she would help us. When we found her, she told us to relax some more. We would be okay. So the friends from Australia, Margaret and Linday, were there as well. We ended up entering through the exit and bypassing the line. It was so fun and the six of us rode down together (each car holds six people). I had mentioned I hate stuff like that so we all kept screaming and Steve was shaking the car. It was the funniest three minutes ever.

Then us minus Vassiliki had dinner and that was fun too!

So got up and checked out. Bit of a mishap as I lost my sneakers! Long story, but they are gone. Note to Stephanie: If you are reading this, it is the pair I bought from Brooks Sports during their friends and family discount!

Anyway, traffic in Athens was so bad. The Turkish Prime Minister is here and traffic was a mess! Driving in Athens reminds me of driving in India. Not sure of the system, but the locals seem to know what they are doing. Craziest driving outside of Bangalore. The motor bikes make their were to the front and people don't obey traffic lights. They don't obey the police directing traffic either. It's organized confusion! I thought people were in a hurry just because the morning traffic job but discovered it's just crazy here.

Athens feels so huge, dense, and hectic.

When we finally got to our hotel, our rooms weren't ready. I had tea with the couple from Australia, Helen and Steve. We were going to take the shuttle to the city center with Margaret and Linday, but it was full so we walked. I went to the Acropolis with Helen and Steve and I am so excited to have gone there!

We parted ways, and I took some pictures and went in search of some new sneakers. I found a pair so that's all good.

Now, I am going to find some food and then organize and go to bed early.

My flight to Amsterdam leaves at 6:35 a.m. My wake up call is at 2:50. Lawd help! I will take the train from Amsterdam to Brugge. You may wonder why I'm not flying directly to Belgium? When I booked the ticket, I had planned on making Amsterdam my home base and taking day trips. Belgium was added on later and the change fee and new ticket price was more than just taking the train. It all works out. I might stop in Brussels on the way to Brugge. Depends on how tired and motivated I am!

Miss You!

P.S. Congrats to my friend and sister, Desiree (and Jason) on the safe arrival of Maxwell "Max" Herbert Anderson on October 19. Another nephew!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I visited Rhodes today. Last night, I kept waking up, but I kept going back to sleep! So I decided to sleep in. I missed breakfast and was going to go back for lunch but decided today would be my weekly fast day.

I basically have been walking around all day. Again, it poured. I was soaked. I keep praying I don't get sick. I've been down poured on too many times this trip. My shoes are still wet from Monday.

I felt like a peeping tom because I would look into each house when the doors were open. Normally an older woman sitting doing something. I am so curious about the lives of the people in the countries I visit. I saw clothes drying outside, and when you are seeing some one's underwear and clothes, you wonder who are they? What is their name? What is their age? Do they have a family? What do they do? Are they happy? I heard a couple arguing when I was walking. I don't know Greek, but I can hear anger.

This place is pretty old are some homes in the old city seem really cramped. I can't imagine families living there together without being cramped! This from a single woman who likes her space.

I saw the Knights of St. John Castle that was built during the crusades. The wall surrounding the city is pretty formidable and reminded me of Wales. I saw the spot were the Colossus of Rhodes once was.

I've been thinking maybe I can sell some stories of my travels to Essence or Oprah. Like have a section about traveling by yourself. I could either use an angle as a single, black woman or just a single woman, which could open up my options. Another angle would be traveling to smaller places and getting in the heads of locals. Like people who have lived there all their lives. Do they travel? When they were growing up, did they ever want to leave? That sort of thing.

I also visited a mosque. I realized that I have no idea how a Muslim service is ran or what anything means. I know some of the movements but not what the movements mean.

Well, tomorrow is the last stop on the cruise. Then back to Athens. Then off to Belgium.

Oh. I bought these wash clothes from REI, apparently wash clothes are considered a personal item. Anyway, there are two in package for $2. I am a believer. They dry fast, and they can be washed! They are the truth.


2500 people live in Patmos. It is pretty rocky. I wonder how it would be to live there. How many of the people growing up there leave? I imagine with the cruise ships coming it could be fun for to be a teenager there.

The cruise ship offered an excursion for 49 euros to see the Monastery of St. John the Theologian and the Cave of the Apocalypse. I saw it all for 10.50 euro.

I was determined to walk to the monastery, but discovered a bus for 1.50 euro. The further up the hill the bus went the more I realized I would have been passed out somewhere along the way if I had tried to walk. It was at the top! The monastery was founded in 1088. Again, think of the people who have lived an walked there throughout the ages.

The monastery was pretty cool. It was built 900 years ago. Throughout the ages, monks have been attracted to come there. It had a museum that had a lot of artifacts. There were books, manuscripts, mosaics, icons, textiles, and jewelry. There was a really cool crown with precious stones created for one of the church patriarchs. There were some cool crosses and some were made of wood. There were some cool paintings of the Archangel Michael. Some of the books dated back to the 6th Century!!! One of the pieces of jewelry was a chest cross donated by Catherine II, Empress of Russia.

The Cave, also called St. John's Grotto was pretty intense for me. They have a spot marked where he is believed to have slept. Another where he prayed. There is also the crack in the rock made by the voice of God. I sat in there for a while. There was a mean faced monk who kept mean mugging me and coughing. I may have overstayed my welcome with him. LOL! In the museum, there was a nice monk who talked with me about some of the artifacts.

John was pretty old when he died. I heard 90, but I'm not sure if that is true. Keep in mind that most people lived to be 45-50. He was banished to Patmos in 95 AD. He stayed there for two years. It was here that he heard a voice like a trumpet commanding him to write a book to send to the seven churches. Tradition tells that he wrote it in the cave I visited.

There are times when I think of the Bible, and I'm like really. Then there are times when I am acutely aware of my beliefs. I am acutely aware of how important and sacred they are to me. Going to that cave symbolizes a lot to me. It meant a lot. It reinforced my belief that I need to go to Israel and soon.

There was a group of Korean tourists who came when I was there. I was watching them and they keep touching things and praying. I kept marveling about how many people I have met this trip who share my faith. It's actually pretty cool to see.

I was waiting for four o' clock tea the day before the Ephesus/Patmos calls, and there was a group doing Bible Study there in preparation for their trip to Ephesus. The leader was talking about Paul. They sang hymnals afterward. I felt honored to have witnessed that.

It's actually refreshing to be in a country where people respect religion, and I mean relationship with God. There are somethings that are sacred and should be treated with respect.

Turkey (Ephesus)

So, Tuesday, I had a 5:45 a.m. wake up call. Again, went to bed but woke up in the middle of the night so was up when my call came.

We stopped in Kusadasi, Turkey. The country is trying to join the EU so many EU citizens are buying property there since it's still cheap. A lot of the area is new. It's being built up quite quickly.

So the highlight of today was going to Ephesus (and Patmos). Talk about being in love. I consider today to be the climax of this portion of my trip. Ephesus and Patmos in one day. Really. Wow. How can I be so lucky?!

The original settlement of Ephesus is believed to have been a tribe of Amazon-like women who lived there 3000 BC. The 2nd settlement was Greek. The final settlement was founded by a general of Alexander the Great. They are still unearthing portions of the old city. Ephesus was the second largest city (population of 250K) in the ancient times and one of the largest ports. It was built where the Kucuk Menderes River reached the sea. They loss their connection to the sea, which is when the city declined.

John is believed to have brought Mary, mother of Jesus here. There is the House of the Virgin Mary where she is said to have lived and been buried. I read somewhere that the Vatican recognizes it as a pilgrimage place. John died in Ephesus.

It was raining hard through a lot of the tour, but still worth it.

The highlight of the tour was the Great Theatre of Ephesus. It was built 3rd century BC and restored many times. In the first century AD, it was expanded by the Romans to sit 24K. This would have been an important social spot as plays and concerts and such were performed here. This is where Paul preached during one of his missions here. It was so exciting to see.

Also saw Library of Celsius, which was completed in 135 AD. the older things are the more excited I am about them. I try imagine the life of the people who used it and also the people who have since seen it and journeyed to it. It's like the Forum in Rome. How many people have journeyed there and how many feet have trodden? Too many to count! What was/are their lives like?

Saw a lot more but getting tired and too much to write about!

The end of the "excursion" was being taken to a government run store and shown rugs and jewelry. I actually chatted with one of the men because he lived in Edmonds and comes to Seattle quite a bit to sale carpets. The couple from St. Louis looked at a carpet that was first $6000 then $3800 then $1100. Still expensive! And Rick Steve's does not have these types of "excursions." Had to throw that end.

After I escaped, i just walked around. I didn't have time to venture far so I was still pretty much trapped in the tourist part avoiding summons to come into stores and people trying to sell me perfume.

Oh, I forgot to mention this, but in Mykonos when it first started raining, it came out of nowhere. This guy selling umbrellas also came out of nowhere. It was so funny. I was like dang, where did he come from.

Cruise Ship/Mykonos

I went to bed at 7:30, and I woke up around 12 and so when my 6 o'clock wake up call came, I had been up for some time.

To test out my fellow travelers, I sat a big table, but no one joined me. LOL. Sometimes I wouldn't mind the company.

We left the hotel around 7 a.m. to go to our cruise ship.

We finally departed, and I missed the departure from Athens picture because of the lifeboat drill. Their are many excursions, which add up. I had to remember I was on vacation, and I had a budget to keep so I just signed up for the Ephesus one. I felt somewhat pressured, but when I realized that most of them involved getting up at six, I was like, um no. I'm on vacation. I need to rest. I will come back again! Plus with cruising, not enough time at each port. I know, I'm on my soapbox about non-Rick Steve tours and cruising. Pray for me.

I took a three hour nap, and I missed lunch. Just couldn't get up.

I did get up to meet our group, and we did a walking tour of Mykonos together. The city is basically a maze. I enjoyed wandering in it. It started pouring like torrential rain. I was very soaked and wet. I almost went back to the ship several times, but kept pressing my way through.

It's pretty cramped, and they have a gossip square for "constructive observations." Old grandmothers used to sit and watch their neighbors and report what they saw. This is pre KOMO, ABC, and CNN. LOL! You can basically see and hear everything about your neighbors. Hard to imagine whole families living together under one roof but still true today in some parts of the world. Just not my reality. I love and need my privacy. Wow. How could parents be intimate living like that. I am such a prude. LOL

Mykonos was primarily a fishing town and quite poor. During the 50s it became trendy and attracted the jet set so it became popular because people stopped there en route to Delos, which is where Apollo and Artemis are "revered to have been born." Now, it's a hot tourist spot. There are over 400 churches on the island. Mothers and wives used to pledge to God that they would build a church if their loved ones came back from fishing safely. So, they honored their pledge by building a church. After a while, people started building them as a way to show they were well to do.

I read that the population for Mykonos Town is around 6000 but then the cruise ships come. I keep wondering about people's life who actually live there. This now applies to Patmos and Rhodes as well. It's tough having to rely on tourism. I imagine the world recession made their lives miserable!

There is an area called Little Venice, which I don't really see why they call it that, but that's just my opinion. There are windmills that were once used for grinding wheat and barley. They were pretty cool.

I could imagine coming back and having a good time there before going somewhere to actually rest. LOL

The mascot there is a pelican named Petros. He got left behind by a group of migrating pelicans. Poor guy. I think I got a shot of him. Then again, I don't remember if I ever had a clean shot or not. Hmmm. I guess I will find out.

I just enjoyed walking around, despite the rain. I realize that I like to wander aimlessly. Sometimes I come across dark, unbeaten places and I realize I am traveling alone and may want to go back to the familiar path, but I like walking from areas where the tourist are and seeing where the locals live. I got some good shots.

Then I went to bed, and woke up in the middle of night again and was up when my 5:45 wake up call came. Sigh!


When I arrived in Athens, I went in search of the Globus rep. I didn't see her right away. I started to panic, but I was pretty sure I was in the right place so I just chilled and kept watching for someone. Before a mental breakdown, I saw the Globus sign! So, I waited for the rest of the people who would be riding to me.

I discovered we were making two stops. One stop was for the people doing a three-day cruise and the next for the people who were going to do the four-day, which I am on. I met some really cool people who were doing the three-day. There were from Minnesota and part of a Lutheran church group. They were very nice, and I know I would have had a good time with them. I'm glad to have crossed their paths in this journey of life.

So, I checked in and found a cash machine. Then, I walked around my neighborhood, which is nice. Then I did the blog saying I was safe. After that, I met with my group. We had a briefing and made introductions. There are four couples and a pair of friends traveling together for a total of eleven. I now know this about the couples:

The friends traveling are from Australia. One of them is very well traveled and a teacher, and they were in Italy before Greece.

One of the couples are boyfriend/girlfriend, and they are from St. Louis. They flew through Atlanta and his luggage went missing. They actually just got it today.

One couple is from California. They are on a two and half month vacation. She quit her job, and he is taking time off unpaid. They drove across the U.S. for 2 1/2 weeks. Then, they went to Italy, now Greece. After Greece, they head back to the U.S. and will drive back across the county on their return. They are going to start a family soon.

Another couple is from Australia. They are both professors. She in law and he in philosophy. They are celebrating their 30th anniversary! They are both very smart and well traveled.

The final couple is from Wisconsin. He is a retired Methodist preacher and she is a pediatric nurse. We had a long talk about the times and we are not quite sure what God is doing, but something is about to happen. It's getting "dark" but that is when the light will shine all the brighter. I actually felt very comforted by our conversation.

Our tour guide is interesting. She can be very nice, and she can be short with people, which I find funny. It could be cultural, but you can tell when she doesn't like what she is hearing. No one has come out and called her rude, but people keep saying she isn't helpful. LOL

After the meeting, I went to bed. This was around 7:30.

Mind Dump

I feel like I have left so much out, so I will simply start at the beginning. The following blogs will be by city.

A warning that this will be a mix of own personal feelings and what I've been doing. Unless you don't mind getting trapped in the maze that is my mind, you may want to skim! Another warning is that I may repeat what I have already said as I don't remember what I have written.


I believe that I mentioned I spent the week before getting ready. Errands to Target and REI. I also spent hours looking for skirts to take with no luck. Did all the beauty stuff to look my best :). I remember mentioning how stressed I was because I hadn't checked into my Amsterdam - Athens segment. I wasn't sure how close or far my gates were. Long story short, I made it.

Planning this trip was stressful too. I originally was going to travel with a friend, but she wasn't able to make it. I had been going through different scenarios in my head. I originally really wanted to go to Egypt and Israel but my budget wasn't there this year. I also thought Spain, Morocco, and Portugal.

I've mentioned I love Rick Steves. Some of the other tour companies have all these add in costs that make their trips hard to budget for. Tips, excursions (which are normally things you would want to do). A good example is that on this tour a visit to the Acropolis is a 65 euro optional excursion. Sorry, don't most people who come to Athens want to go there? So shouldn't that just be a part of the tour? Basically, I feel that they are paying for your place to stay, but you are paying for what you want do and figuring out how to get there on your own. It's my own personally soap box, I know this.

I may have mentioned I seriously considering canceling the whole trip. I was very doom and gloom in my mind, but it had less to do with the trip and more to do with my own current internal struggle. Human beings are amazing. We have the capacity to do great things. As we struggle with our own short comings and our our insecurities, we can prevent ourselves from doing great things. I am very aware that I am my own worse enemy. Once I decide on something, it happens. Period. It's only when I go back and forth and hem and haw that nothing gets done. It's also when I let my own fears and insecurities hinder me that I sit in my mess and suffer. So, I had to battle myself to even get on the airplane and come here. The night before I left, I was up part of the night thinking about why I shouldn't go.

My sister Cathy drives me crazy. She voices a lot of her internal struggles, and I get upset, and I am like get over it. Meanwhile, I suffer in silence over my own demons. I'm ready to face them head on. Why suffer in silence? As I hear people talk, I realize when it comes down to it, we have more in common and all are struggling with something. It's actually comforting to know we are dealing.

The message spoke by my pastor before I left was about a shift. I spend a lot of time focusing on what I don't have. What I haven't done. I should focus on what I have and what I have done and what I can do and will do with the right planning and attitude.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

LTB, Paul, and John Oh My

Today was the most amazing day. I will record a long blog for the record books when I have better rates. Began the morning in Asia in Turkey and finished the day in Europe in Patmos. Both totally amazing! The cave in Patmos was very amazing. I can't explain the feeling. Just awe, but more on that later.

The weather goes from rain to sunshine to rain again. I got soaked last night in Mykonos. I've never been so wet that even my underwear were soaked. I know, I know TMI. The rain that came reminded me of how I expected the monsoons to be in India, but they didn't come when we were there. There was a river running down the streets. I liked Mykonos. The city was designed as a maze to confuse pirates. I enjoyed wandering the backstreets.

I wish we had more time to stay in each port, but as I may or may not have mentioned, I'm over cruising. I need time to linger and wander. I can totally see coming back to Greece and island hopping every two nights. Also totally want to check out Turkey. Was amazed at what I saw. Maybe that is next year?

Anyway I need to sit down and spend like a few logging my notes. I may have a chance tomorrow when we land in Rhodes. We will be at port most of the day, and I saw an Internet cafe on the map. They have to have better rates than the boat.


Monday, October 18, 2010

Greek Isle Cruise

This will be short. The Internet is expensive on the ship. 25 cent euro/minute. Gasp. Want to assure you that I am alive and kicking. Will make a large post if I find an Internet cafe or when I return to land on Friday.

Tonight we stop in Mykonos. I missed my shot of us departing Greece because we were doing a blasted life vest drill.

Tomorrow we stop in Turkey and I will visit Ephesus!!! Will see the theater Paul preached at. Looking forward to it. Then we visit the isle of Patmos in the afternoon. Super excited to see the cave John wrote Revelation.

I signed up for one excursion, which is Turkey.

I will give my opinion on non-Rick Steves Tours. I will say that with Rick everything is included. All the admission and all the tips so when you get there you have paid for everything but some meals and your souvenirs. Globus, it starts to add up so their cheap intro cost increases quickly with excursions and tips and tips and tips. It's all good. I planned this trip very quickly so live and learn.

Okay, I must log off now. I tend to not be able to stop typing. I have stuff to say!

Sunday, October 17, 2010


People asked me where I am going. LOL. This year, the trip was planned in a month or so. I was scrambling and had so many ideas, most folks have no idea of what I settled on:

Oct 17 - 23: Athens and Greek Isle cruise
October 23 - 26: Brugge (Belgium)
October 26 - 30: Amsterdam


The Eagle Has Landed

Hello Family and Friends:

I have arrived safe and sound in Athens!

I am happy to be here.

I did all my pre-trip prep.

Clean the House: check
Do Laundry: check
Get hair done/did: check check
Get brows done: check
And for Candy: Pluck hair on chin/neck. Okay that is a triple check. LOL.

Things fell into place at work. The reports were done. The only missing information was outside of my control.

So the flight from Seattle to Amsterdam was 9 hours. It went by fast. I watched Back Up Plan and Grown Ups. Both made me laugh, and I had to stop myself from busting out. I love to laugh. LOL. I slept some as well. Read a little.

Note to self: While it's cheaper to book trip segments separate, it's also more of a hassle. Some weird rule that I couldn't check into my Amsterdam - Athens ticket in Seattle, which was one more thing to do in a two hour layover. My flight was 30 minutes late leaving, and I was like LAWD NO. I went to the possible worst case scenario of missing my connection and missing my cruise. Note to self: the worst case scenario never happens. I'm comforted that it is human nature to take oneself through unnecessary drama mentally. Something I am working on though.

Oh. The lady sitting next to me on the Seattle - Amsterdam portion worked for a travel magazine and she was on her way to Nairobi for a press junction. I told her about my travel blog and she suggested I submit some articles to travel magazines and see what would happen. Now that I am thinking more clearly, I should have gotten her contact info.

Which brings me to the worst part of travel. Jet lag. I did manage to sleep during both segments. It's currently 4:45 on Sunday and my tour group is meeting at 6:00. For the Greece portion, I am doing a cruise with Globus Travel. We have two days in Athens, one being today. It's too big to see in two days, so I def must come back. I do one want to see the Acropolis. Probably the day before I leave for Belgium.

Athens is large and condensed. There are about 5-6M people here. Word on the street is that there are so many undocumented workers that it's hard to tell.

Anyway, so excited to be here. On the way here, I was looking at some maps and on some maps I was excited to see that I had been to most of the place. Other maps, I was like dang, I haven't been to most of the places. I centered myself and realized that unless I hit the mega millions, or someone wants to invest in my future - I will take donation in increments of $500 - then I will just have to slowly, but surely check places off my list. If I say, go to an average of two places each year over the next 30 or 40 years, I will have seen much of the world, twice over.

Note to self: You have been blessed to travel some. You cannot quit your job, sell your condo, and travel for a year. That is not a good long-term decision. You cannot travel unless you have the money saved. Going into debt to travel is not very smart! Using the equity in your place is not smart either!

Please keep me in your prayers. Praying for fun, safe, smooth traveling. This is a good trip for me. There are things I need to "shift" in mind and get together. Life is too short. And sometimes worry and fear keeps one from stepping out and giving it 100%.

Finally, I will edit when I return. Just wanted to let everyone know I made it safe and sound!

Love You. XOXO

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Ready or Not!

This blog will once again soon turn into my travel blog. In 48 hours, I will be on my way to Athens!

Although I know the trip is coming up on an intellectual level, I’m not sure it has truly hit me that I’m leaving for a few.

This week has been a blur of running errands and putting stuff to the side. Yesterday, I went to seven stores looking for skirts to take on the trip, but came home empty handed and late. On Monday, I went to Target to get the stuff I was supposed to get last weekend. I ended up going to REI and spending way more than I planned, but hey, I’m investing in my traveling future.

The thing is that I’m not quite sure what to expect on this vacation. Normally, I have some inclination, but this year – nada. I suppose that could be good.

I am looking forward to going to the Island of Patmos and to Ephesus. I’m looking forward to trying some Belgium fries. I am looking forward to just walking aimlessly around Amsterdam.

This work week has flown by so fast. I feel like I blinked and it was over. Hopefully, my vacation won’t go by as fast!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Life or Death

This article was written for my Editor's Section of the PCC Scroll (my church newsletter).

As much as it pains me to confess this, I tend to flirt with danger and judge how close to the edge I can get without tumbling over. I am one of those people who like to dally with the slippery slopes Pastor talks about. Our poor Pastor has to deal with me dangling near the edge, occasionally. Pray for him! My most recent near escapade could have landed me in a heap of trouble, but I came to myself just in time.

These escapades normally deal with people and situations that God keeps telling me are finished. These are things that God kept me from even when I didn’t want to be kept from them. The doors I try to reopen are full of unhealthy drama that could send me back at least ten years. The question is how long will I linger and look back, like Lot’s wife, on things or people God keeps telling me are not for me.

I am not even sure where some of my bright ideas come from. Things just occur to me from time to time. As James 1:4 says, “But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.”

The “It is finished,” in James is a far cry from the “It is finished,” uttered by Christ on the Cross. I choose to press toward the latter. When faced with the choice of life or death, I choose life.

My goal for this quarter is to heed Paul’s words in Philippians 3:13-14. Paul wrote, “…forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”

I don’t really mind telling on myself, and I don’t mind God’s chastisement of me. I would rather be honest and end up doing the right thing than hide and continue to attempt to open doors that God has slammed shut.

I am glad that God has His Hand on me, and I am able to come to myself and recognize the behavior. If I leave the wrong doors closed, the right door will open for me, and I will be in a place to walk through it.

In this issue, our theme is around completion and closure. In short, “It is finished.” It is time for us to all realize what is truly finished and truly leave it behind us. There is no point in lingering and wondering about what could have been. It is time to stop wandering in the wilderness and move into our promise. “It is finished.”


I find conspiracy theories very interesting. Sometimes, the theories are so complex and interwoven that they make my head spin. At some point in time, the theories are more of mass hysteria and paranoia.

While I hate to be the one paranoid, sometimes I feel like there is something going on that I am missing. The secret looks and covert meetings make me feel like there was some secret handshake I missed learning, and now I am not part of the in crowd.

An ex-worker, who by the way un-friend-ed me on Facebook, had this saying along the lines that just because he was paranoid didn’t mean that people weren’t talking about him behind his back.

What I am really talking about is gauging and understanding the signs of the times. I feel like there is an obvious message in the atmosphere that is ringing out in Morris Code. It’s like all the times the Bible says let him who have an ear, hear.

It’s so easy to miss the boat because one is in total oblivion of the season.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Plan B

So, I was unable to get into the Turkey tour. It would have made my life so much easier if I had. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and that I will end up where I need to be.

With that said, I am happy to report the following. I will begin my vacation in Greece for a week. I’m very excited. It will be nice weather, and it’s a country I’ve always wanted to go. From there, I will spend the next week split between Belgium and the Netherlands. At first, I was just going to spend a week in Amsterdam and take day trips from there. Then, I decided to go to Belgium after waking up longing for Belgium waffles and Belgium chocolates. In truth, my hesitation in going to Belgium was laziness. I have already booked a ticket from Athens to Amsterdam. I either have to change the ticket to fly into Brussels or take a train from Amsterdam to Brugge the day I land. Since I am flying out of Amsterdam home, it made more sense to end there. When I booked my ticket, I really wasn’t sure what I would be doing.

This trip is a reminder that when you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Things just haven’t been well thought out but again, things have a way of working out!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Days of My Life

If I knew how much time I had left, it would be easier to plan everything I wanted to do in the allotted time. When I say time left, I mean that in several ways. One is the obvious. One day I will die, and I hope to have accomplished my goals by then. I hope to be old and gray and surrounded by friends and family, but that’s my plan not God’s plan. Right now, I have the full use of my faculties. When I plan to be healthful and mobile for the rest of my days…well, let’s just pray that’s how it goes. Right now, I’m single with no kids. So I can pretty much come and go as I please. When I have a family, I have to consider that in my planning.

Now, if I had to picture my life, I would picture myself married to my “soul mate” that also enjoys traveling. Most of the time, it’s just me and him, and we are free to take yearly trips to far-away, exotic places. I picture one trip a year. Then, sometimes I picture myself as a stay-at-home mom raising a couple of kids with my house being the neighborhood favorite for the kids. In which case, foreign travel may be put off until the kids are older.

So my buck list:

Places to Go:
Who Am I Kidding? I want to go everywhere.

Things to Do:
Write a Book
Take a photography class
Go whale watching
Ride the Duck
Go on a horse and buggy ride during the winter with some hot chocolate
Find a place to volunteer

I like this list because it’s simple and achievable.

And the Winner Is...

In regards to planning my vacation, I have been all over the place!

Originally, I was going to Spain, Portugal, and Morocco. Then, I was going to Greece and Turkey. Then I was going to Israel and Egypt. I was really fixated on the latter, but prices were over what I had saved.

So, hopefully, fingers crossed, I will be vacating in Greece and Turkey the last two weeks of October!

I hope to report back on Friday, that everything has been checked off, and I will just be waiting impatiently for the day to get here.

Keep in mind that last year I had my August vacation planned and booked in April, so this year was kind of stressful.

Shame! Shame! Shame!

I am very behind in my blog! I’ve been so preoccupied as of late. Work has been hectic. Life has been hectic. I’m working on the church newsletter. I’m planning a vacation. It’s already the end of the month, but I have written no September entries. Shame. Shame. Shame!!!

I am supposed to average once a week, so I need to make up for lost time. Stay tuned

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

GPS System

As usual, my mind is working overtime.

My thought for today is along the lines that God is like a GPS system.

The one thing that always intrigued me about the GPS System is how it automatically adjusted directions based on where the car was going. I noticed that a GPS would say turn right in 50 meters. If for some reason, the right turn was missed (i.e. the driver wasn’t paying attention, was in the wrong lane, or got distracted) it would automatically adjust the directions from where the car was heading.

There is no loud voice that says you idiot you missed your turn. The system just calmly tells you the next set of instructions based on where you are at. The destination is the same, but the route taken has changed.

Let’s face it. During this walk we all make mistakes, take wrong turns, and flatly make other stops along the way, but God still patiently leads us to our destiny.

Speaking of destiny, I have some idea of where I am going. I just have no idea of how God plans to lead me from where I am to where I am going.

It’s a constant juggle of my desires and passions and learning to ask if they are God’s will in my life. I would like to say that because of the intensity of some of my desires they are what God would have for me, but I have to admit that some of the things I want are not good for me. They are, as my pastor would say, slippery slopes.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Passionate Kisses. Long Embraces. Searing Looks.

I want to be in love so bad!

I blame my friend Alice. She’s moving to Hong Kong, and she gave me all these trashy romance novels that I ended up actually reading. You know the ones. Passionate Kisses. Long Embraces. Searing Looks. I’m reluctant to even type all that. Ah, to be the heroine swooning in the arms of a strong, vibrant hero.

As an English major, I’m ashamed to have such poorly-written material in my house. That’s why they are neatly hidden and not on my book shelves. The horror, the horror of anyone knowing my dirty little secret.

I’m mortified to even say I went into a Half Price Books and picked up more. It was so shameful, that I didn’t risk going into my regular/favorite Half Price Book store. I have a friend who works there and would be so embarrassed of him witnessing my purchases.

Yes, I want to be in love so bad!

Of course, in reality, relationships are hard. I don’t expect happily-ever-after. I do expect to put in the work needed to keep the relationship fresh and new. I have seen too many examples where people have stopped trying or people have gotten distracted by other people.

Yes, I want to be in love, and I am ready to love. I just needed some steamy love stories to get me to admit it.

Monday, August 23, 2010

God Told Me To...

I am very aware of the fact that there are a lot of things that I want to do. I normally do them and then seek God’s blessing when I am full steam into my project or idea. I may take for granted that my steps are indeed ordered by the Lord.

I am not one of those people who say, “God told me to….” I normally brace myself when people start conversations with me with the lines “God told me to…”

I certainly believe that God does talk to His people. It’s just that most of the times when I hear this line my honest thought regarding what follows is along the lines of are you sure that God told you that?

I firmly believe that God does not tell people to do anything that is outside of His Word. At least, not the God that I know.

I think people should just be more honest. I am doing this because I want to do it. It would be more truthful. It would be more authentic. It would be more believable.

It’s hard to refute people when they bring God into things. I just think that people need to know God a little more before they place Him in the mess they create because of something they want or wanted to do.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I realize that I am totally off beat right now. Somewhere along the way (after my aunt’s death), I lost my rhythm. I thought I was starting to get it back, but this week is leading me to believe this is not true.

I’m not quite myself. In some ways, I am acting out. Now that I think about it, this happened after my sister’s death as well. Death isn’t an excuse or reason to lose myself. As life goes on, there will be more loss, and I need to learn to deal with it.

Words and actions can’t be taken back and I realize this and fight this impulse to make rash decisions that would be very costly in the long run.

And this too shall pass.

Letting Go

There are some things that I have held onto so tightly. Things that were so important and meant so much and the thought of a separation was unimaginable. It’s curious to me when these things that have been held so sacred one day no longer cease to matter. There is something sad in this to me.

In some ways, it makes my fascination or attachment with these things seem trivial. It’s like if I hold on tightly and don’t let go then the madness of the action, attraction, obtainment of said thing isn’t as questionable.

I noticed as I was cleaning out my place that I got rid of some items that at one point in time were so important to me and now my taste or interest or desire has lead me in another direction.

In holding so tightly (in a fist) to things that I think I want I am preventing God from placing things in my hand that I actually need.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Very Random Thoughts

All I can say is TGIF! I’m very, very, very tired, and I look forward to sleeping in one of these days. Unfortunately, it will not be tomorrow as I have a retreat for the editing team at my church.

It’s amazing how a small thing like a retreat can get one back motivated and focused on the assignment at hand. One of the most important things we do is set an editorial calendar for the year. Each issue is outlined with themes and topics.

Maybe I need to apply this to my life. Better planning and more organization. As the saying goes, when you fail to plan, you plan to fail!

And time marches on too quickly. Tomorrow is already the end of July and the year is more than half gone.

Today is one of those days that I wonder what is around the corner. Life has this way of coasting and then suddenly changing very quickly. Things like death interrupt the even flow of life. I am trying to stay present and live and enjoy today, but I can’t help wanting a sneak peak.

And reading the news is not helping. All I see is crazy headlines, and I ask Lord, what on earth is going on here? Where is this country and world headed to? It is my faith that in times like this God’s grace abounds the more.

And this question runs through my mind. How do we give people what they need when they only desire what they want?

Monday, July 26, 2010

Making Room for the New

I’m currently in the process of giving my home a very deep cleaning. When I say cleaning, it’s more like a purging. I have many clothes and items that I don’t use. It’s not only time for me to give the items to people who actually would use them but also time to make room for things that I will actually use.

A good example is my closet. I abhor dry clean only clothes. I don’t wear them because I am too cheap/lazy to dry clean them. Yes, I could hand wash them. Yes, I could stop being cheap and put dry cleaning in my budget. But, I won’t. As I cleared the clothes, I realized this will help me see more items that got drowned out in the sea of clothes. I’m going to budget a little each month to buy more. One of my Facebook friends commented that her grandmother taught her to buy an outfit each pay period. Sounds good to me! I will stop buying/accepting dry clean only items. I will also only buy jewelry that screams out at me. I don’t need a lot. Just some classic pieces I want to wear.

I went through each room and removed things I hadn’t used in the last year (or two or three or four). In my kitchen, there were honestly items I hadn’t used since I moved in ten years ago. I am sure there is someone out there who could/would use the items!

It did get hard when I came across items that were given to me as gifts. I felt bad giving those up, but I tried to look past who gave me the gift and look more to it’s time to give up items that aren’t being used.

I’m just about done. I need to go through some items stored in my closet. Once that it is done, I will look through each room one more time. Then I will take what hasn’t been claimed by my friends.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Chronic Dissatisfaction

As I was walking during my lunch hour, I realized I had forgotten/neglected by blog. For shame! However, there is a lot going on in my mind!

The fallout from my aunt’s death continues. We have to clear out/up the house, which is hard for so many different reasons. I continue to step outside of myself and ask myself was I really raised in this town, this house, this neighborhood, this family. The iron curtain of my mind has really blocked the experience out. It’s bizarre. In some ways, the experience just becomes another role I perform. What a strange family I was born into. There has to be a reason we were put together, greater than our current roles of driving each other crazy.

As I was walking, I was thinking about satisfaction. I ask myself will I ever be satisfied or do I suffer from chronic dissatisfaction. What is it about us that wants more and more and more? It seems like we can’t enjoy what we do have because we are so focused on what we don’t have. What we don’t want. What we want. What we can’t have. It’s actually kind of sad.

I do this game with God where I say if this is meant to be cause this to happen. Then, when it doesn’t happen, I am strangely disappoint, but does God even operate like that?

With all the blessings I have in my life and all the good could I really long/desire more than I have? If I were God, I would be so disappointed in me right about now.

It’s a strange journey this thing called life.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Relationship Freedom

From July 1, 2010 PCC Scroll

My aunt that raised me died in early June. Death brings many questions about the health of a relationship. Did I visit enough? Did I call enough? What was our last conversation? Did I make time for them, or did I rush them off of the phone? Did I tell them I loved them?

Relationships are like gardens. They must be nourished, watered, and groomed. If not, they will be forgotten, abandoned, and grow wild. A week will become a month. A month will become a year. Weeds will consume the relationship and suck it dry. In the end, the root of the issues that caused the problems become so entangled and intertwined that they are hard to sort out.

An important step in maintaining a relationship is having closure with people. If past grudges, hurts, and disappointments have not been addressed, get them out in the open so healing can begin. Life is too short to hold on to past pain. At some point in time, it will be too late for regrets. What would have, could have, and should have been is not what is.

Matthew 18:15-17 says, “… if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.”

Matthew 5:23-24 says, “Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee; Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift.”

The Bible puts ownership on you! Relationship closure leads to emotional freedom. If people don’t know they hurt you, they have no way of making amends. How many of us have held on to past transgressions and seen it impact other relationships in a negative way? Meanwhile, the person causing so much emotional stress is living their life fancy free without the slightest idea of the torment in your life. God wants you to be free.

I will leave you with Matthew 7:2-5. It says, “And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.” None of us are perfect. Forgive, let go, and move on.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

What's Coming

I have blocked so much of my childhood out. It's sad that it took the death of my aunt to make me realize I need to unlock the door and remember. The problem is that the door is closed so tightly. I mentioned before that in trying to forget the bad, I also forgot the good. So bare with me. These next days maybe weeks will be spent with my personal reflection. I need to get it out!

The Road

People often ask me how I ended up in Moses Lake.

My Aunt Dorothy and her husband came to Moses Lake because her eventually ex-husband was in the Air Force.

My mom had three kids at 16, 17, and 19. She was not ready to be a mom so my three sisters and I were sent to be raised by her. What was suppose to be a temporary sitation became me living with my aunt from when I was 16 months old to 18.

Legend tells that my mom did come back for us, but my aunt would not let us go.

Sometimes I rage against this event in my life. My mom's "abandoment" and "rejection" played heavy in my pysche for so long. Now, I realize that my being sent to Moses Lake was part of God's plan.

If I had grown up in MS, I don't think I would have went to college or traveled or been successful. I imagine I would have kids and working at the chicken plant in my home town. Sigh.

Anyway, so that is how I up in Moses.

If it had not been for the Lord who was on my side...

There are certain situations in my life that make me realize that God has had His hand on me from day one. My belief in God and His love for me are so wrapped in the positive outcomes of these situations.

One of these situations is the fact that I used to date a guy who was HIV+. Yes, that could have been made out there...

To make a long story short, the person "confessed" the truth of his status to me at a party on the Base. This was a few weeks before I left to attend college. This realization haunted me for a few years. I was so terrified to get tested. It was more than a relief when the test results came back!

Anyway, I had long since wondered what happened to some of the other girls who I knew he had been involved with him. A few have sadly died. It is to be expected. Others statuses are unknown. Others seem to have miraculously emerged unscathed. Two children born virus free.

I had a chance to talk to his uncle about the past. The fact that he and I used to write before we had a falling out, which caused him to write me, cuss me out, and tell me he wished he had given me the disease. Complete with a letter from him a year or so later after my sister dying apologizing and reaching out to me, which I ignored. This is a regret. I should have reached back. He needed someone.

Anyway, I have held on to this and my feelings overall and it was nice to talk about him with someone else who cared for him.

Yes, he did some things that were definitely wrong. It is wrong to knowingly infect with someone with a disease that will kill them. No word can justify it, but my believe in the redemption of people - regardless of their sin is so great.

If one person is not worthy, then I, with my sins known and unknown, is not worthy either.

Moses Lake

I dream a lot about Moses Lake.

Some of the dreams involve me getting stuck over here (currently in the town). Bad weather. Can't get a ride to Seattle. Can't get a ride to the bus stop. My sister Honey and cousin Brett are normally there.

Sometimes I dream that I am living at home for a short period, which always ends up being longer than I had anticipated. In these dreams, I am desperately searching for a place to buy. I am always so relieved when I wake up to discover it was only a dream. Honey and Brett are normally there.

Sometimes I dream that the home I grew up in has been remodeled. Everything is brand new. Often, it is always bigger than it was.

I dream that I am at Frontier. Or walking downtown. I dream that I am at different parts of the city. I suppose it just haunts my subconscious.

Perhaps the dreams are the current reality catching up with me.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Today I came to Moses Lake for the first time in around thirteen years.

I came to Moses Lake when I was 16 months old and left when I was 18. When I was in college, I came a few times, then the reality of the existence became too much. I came home the summer between my freshman and sophomore year and I was so depressed. At some point in time, I stopped going back. The last time I went back was for my cousin's funeral.

Although I live in Seattle, I tend to not go to the east side, meaning Bellevue, Isaquah, Kirkland, etc. The farther east we drove the more I felt like I was out of body. Ellensburg is the point when you realize you are not in Kansas anymore, so to speak. Then Vantage, which is beautiful, and George and finally Moses Lake. We did not take the exit we would take to go to the house I was raised in. In my mind, I took the exit, made the left turn. Went straight. Made the right turn. Went straight. Made the right turn and ended up on the corner of Texas and Russell.

We went straight to the funeral home then to my other aunt's house. It's the same apartment they lived in when I left home.

As we drove around, I could picture scenes from my life. These are scenes I had long since repressed. The other side of this coin is that I would struggle to remember scenes at other places.

We did go to the house I grew up. Things rushed back. The corner I sat at when I had to escape the madness inside the house. I spent hours in the summer sitting on that corner begging time to speed up so I can become an adult and leave there. There were times when I could picture the lights of Seattle shining through the mountains. I told myself I would never return. I kept that promise.

Everything seems so small. The distance from my house and my elementary schooled seemed so far away when I was little. The streets of my neighborhood seemed so large when I was little. I went to the park I used to play in. Saw the school I used to go to. I walked down the street and remembered the houses I would play in when I was little.

There is a part of me that realizes that for whatever reason, Moses Lake is no longer home. It never really was. It was a placed I grew up, existed in, and hated. The memories are so locked in my head. I can't even remember the good in an effort to escape the bad.

Yeah. There were some good memories. Just having a hard time sorting them out. Memory is alive.

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Lord Giveth the Lord Taketh Away

My aunt that raised me passed away. The details are still sketchy, but it sounds like she may have been gone for a few days before she was discovered.

It did get me thinking about my future and where I want to be in 40 years or on my death bed. If I had to imagine it, I would imagine myself being surrounded by my friends and family that love me.

I was thinking about the things I need to do to ensure that I am sowing community, friendship, love, and family. It takes so much effort to be intentional in friendship and relationship. It takes commitment and dedication.

I was thinking about my mom and my aunt. I have to remind myself that I am me and my destiny isn’t tied to them and my choices will lead me down to a path that is different.

I was thinking that it is so important to have closure with people. It’s almost like you have to make a decision on who is in your community, and then make a conscious effort to tender and care for those relationships. Life is too short to hold on to past hurts, pains, and bitterness. It’s best to just get things out in the open so healing can begin.

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

That Girl

On my way home from New York, I spent a long time selecting a book to read on the flight home. On a side note, I normally do not buy new books. I buy used books unless it’s an author I must support, and they are few and far in between. The only deviation from this practice is when I travel. For some reason, I allow myself to buy a new book to read. Mind you, sometimes I have to search high and low to find a book worthy of me. LOL. On another side note, what I should do is plan ahead and hit up Half Price Books before each trip and save some money.

Anyway, the book I ended up purchasing was about a girl who ended up being solicited to be a party girl at the parties of a prince of Brunei. She is my age, and, as I was reading, I was trying to figure out what I was doing when we were 18, 19, and 20. Before joining the harem (this is her word), she was a stripper and then an escort. She then joins this “court” and is a party girl/lover of the prince.

As I read about the expensive jewelry he gave her and the shopping sprees she went on, I realized I will never be “That Girl”. The book is called “Some Girls”. I’m not the type of woman who would be invited backstage at some concert. I am not the type of woman who would be invited to the VIP section of a club to join some famous athlete or musician.

This is not a slight on her lifestyle choices or me. It’s just an observation. I can’t imagine anyone stopping me on the street and offering the “opportunity” to me. At this point in my life, I know that a man will never whisk me off to some getaway and plow me with diamonds, rubies, pearls, clothes, etc. This is neither good nor bad. It just is what it is.

For me, there are some things that are sacred. They are not to be entered into lightly. Physical intimacy is one of those things. I was once told that sex was “just a thing” and I vehemently disagree with that statement. It is not just a thing and it something that doesn’t have a price because it is priceless. Again, this is to me. People can and do whatever they want. I am not the moral police, but I do wonder how lightly and easily people today take on more and more partners.

They say that everybody has a price. I was talking about the book to one of my bus buddies. I was marveling (and perhaps salivating) as I talked about the many, many gifts that were given to her. My bus buddy listened for awhile before telling me that everything has a price. Yes, she was getting money, gifts, and perks, but they came with a steep price. It’s like being married to a man who can give you everything and anything but is unfaithful to you. Is it worth the price, and is it only part of the game?

I would like to think my price is much higher, but it is easy for me to say what I wouldn’t do without having been offered the carrot.

I feel like I am not adequately saying what I am trying to get across, but the thoughts are bouncing in my head.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Random Musings

I had the strangest thought this Mother’s Day. I don’t remember every spending a Mother’s Day with my mom. I was 16 months old when my mom sent us away, so I know that I spent at least one with her. I don’t have memory of any other Mother’s Day I may have spent with her.

I also don’t remember spending any birthdays with her, but there were at least two. There was the birthday before we were sent away. I also have a picture of another birthday when I was little. I am sitting on her lap and smiling and my sisters are smiling standing next to her. There is a cake that says Happy Birthday, Mom. I was just too young to remember.

It did make me think that I should make a conscious effort to spend a birthday and Mother’s Day with her so I can have it in my memory bank.

I remember being very happy when I finally got a picture of me, my mom, and my dad together. I was 30+. Better late than never

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Harlems Song Revisited

My imagination has always been extremely overactive. I have a rich inner life. This imagination is very useful as I plot out my book. If I had one complaint, it would be that early in the morning, the book becomes part of my dreams and I feel like I am actually experiencing what the lead character is experiencing.

In some ways, I want to hold the plot close to me like a secret recipe or security code. In other ways, I want to shout the plot off the roof tops. I suppose if I did jot it down, it would make it more real and tangible to me.

Basically, the lead character is a woman named Harlem. I picked the name because she is going through a rebirth or renaissance if you will. She’s at a crossroads in her life. It’s a name I have always used.

The male lead has always been a character named Damian. As I was writing about them, another male character entered quite on his own. I wanted to name him Gregory, which is actually the name of a person I know. But then, the name Gabriel kept slipping out.

Well, to back up, I did not want to write about a relationship. The theme is played. I wasn’t quite sure if I even wanted to write a fiction novel. However, I am learning it’s not always what I want. In fact, the book just began pouring out of me two weeks ago.

I was musing with God on my plans vs. His plans, when it me. Damian as an agent of Satan, and Gabriel as an agent of God. So in these men you see the struggle Harlem actually has with her relationship with God. It’s quite evidence in the way the two men treat Harlem. One, with unconditional love and acceptance. The other with borderline abuse. And of course, Damian is the one Harlem is most drawn to despite the fact that he has her on a very unhealthy, emotional rollercoaster! Stay tuned!

I think it will actually be a short story. Like I said in the previous post, I want to publish an anthology of short stories from members of my church.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

It's All Coming Together

Yes, it has been a while. I did not make my weekly quota in April.

I have been writing a book idea in a journal. I will say more I as I began typing out that thoughts, but so far. I like it a lot. I will be sitting here and all these great ideas just pour out!

My goal is to start a writing group at my church. I would like us to meet once a month and share our progress. Eventually, I would like us to self-publish an anthology of short stories. I would also like for us to publish an anthology of poetry. We have so many writers at my church, and I believe we are all together for a reason!

I have some short trips coming up. I’ll be in a wedding in L.A. followed by a business trip to NYC.

I need to start planning my vacation. I don’t feel like planning this year so I am searching for a tour. I did find a tour that sounded interest that was Greece, Egypt and Israel. I would like to add in Turkey but it depends on time and money.

I’m still plotting to win the mega millions. LOL.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sweet Sade

Yesterday, I spent most of the day with my cousin and her daughter.

Sade makes me feel so wonderful. When I walk in, her face lights up and she starts laughing and jumping and reaching for me. It’s nice that someone is so happy to see me coming. LOL. She will be one year in less than a month. It’s so hard to believe. She is a miracle in my life and an opportunity for me to think of someone beyond myself.

We have a lot of plans for her life. There were a lot of things that we weren’t able to do and things that we weren’t exposed to that we want her to have and know. LaQuita and I talk about this all the time. This little girl will know that she is wanted and that she is loved. She will know that her family wants and expects her to succeed. She will know that home and family are safe places for her to be.

She may end of being a little spoiled and that’s okay. Part of our job is to instill the need to give back to her community. She will be able to look around and see that she is blessed, and she will see us sacrifice not only for her good but for the good of the community.


We are nearing the end of the month, and I have been embarrassingly negligent on my blog!

It’s not that I don’t have things to say. LOL! I’ve sat down a few times, but I just haven’t been able to quite get out what I want to say. There are times when the words on the page aren’t quite expressing what it is I am trying to say.

Last week during praise and worship a song/poem did come to me. Here it is:

Worthy, worthy, worthy
Is the Lamb that was slain
You are the reason
Why He came

He came to give you life
Life more abundantly
He came that you might have
Everlasting peace

He came to give you
Everything you will ever need
Come let us exalt
Our everlasting King

Jesus, Jesus
Is the Lamb that was slain
You are the reason
Why He came

It’s still a work in progress. I want to call it Jesus, Jesus Lamb of Glory, which is notably absence from the lines!

The last time I wrote a poem was years ago when I was in Charleston for a conference. Ah, the sweet smell in the air was inspiring.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Church Article

This is the article from the April 1 newsletter of my church:

In a prayer, Saint Francis of Assisi asked God to make him an instrument of peace. He desired to sow love where there was hate, pardon where there was injury, faith where there was doubt, hope where there was despair, light where there was darkness, and joy where there was sadness.

Ezekiel 16:6 reads, “And when I passed by thee, and saw thee polluted in thine own blood, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live; yea, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live.” Despite God washing and caring for His people, they played the harlot. Even still, God remembered His covenant.

God kept His promise to Israel. Each time His people sinned, God was faithful and just to forgive them and keep His covenant. This covenant was sealed when Jesus Christ died on the Cross to pay for our sins and give us life. Because of Christ, no one is beyond repentance or forgiveness. No sin is too great that the Blood cannot cover it.

Before Jesus died on the Cross, He uttered the words, “It is finished.” Christ completed His purpose, and His death gave us life. When Christ died on the Cross, He died for our sins, our hurts, our pains, and any and everything else that attempts to hinder us. Christ replaced our death with life. He replaced our sin with redemption. He replaced our hurt and pain with healing.

Even if we stand polluted in our own sins, God is so faithful to forgive us. Even when we deserved the punishment of death, God’s grace and mercy pardoned us. It is in this demonstration of the awesomeness of God’s love for us that we can begin to become instruments of His peace.

Christ died that we could be light shining in the darkness. Christ died that we could be hope in the midst of despair. Christ died that we could be love in a world full of hate. Christ played His role, now we must play ours. Through Christ in us, we can sow and manifest the fruit of the Spirit.

Even in our darkest hour, deepest valley, and personal crisis, we can be comforted with the knowledge that our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is with us. In Psalm 40, David said he waited patiently for God, and God heard his cry. David wrote of the Lord bringing him out of a horrible pit and out of the miry clay and placing his feet on solid rock and establishing his goings.

As we die out to ourselves, we are transformed into the likeliness of Jesus Christ, who came that we could live.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Becoming an Instument of Peace

I’m in the final week of producing the April 1, 2010, issue of my church’s newsletter (The PCC Scroll). I would be happy to add any interested parties to the distribution list!

For my Editor’s Corner article, which I will post on my blog soon, I start with a reference to the Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi.

“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen”

I wrote about his prayer and how Christ came and died so we could be light in darkness, hope in the midst of despair, joy where there is sadness, etc.

To put it mildly, I had a challenging week. I kept talking to myself and wondering what on earth was going on with me. I just wasn’t feeling well. I did manage to drag myself to work four out of the five days.

My coworkers commented how they missed my smile and my laugh and my positive energy this week. It was very humbling. I realized that my reason for being in this world is to become all the things Saint Francis wrote about.

I realized if I truly wanted to be joy where there was sadness, pardon where there was injury, hope where there despair, etc. then I would have to press through and around whatever is happening in my life.

Let me tell you it’s hard. It’s so much easier to ride on an emotional roller coaster or submit to not feeling well. It’s hard to stand up and fight and proclaim I will be an instrument of peace and soldier for the Kingdom of Heaven.

I’m not sure why I thought it would be easy. LOL. I will say that I will not roll over and play dead. I must press on toward my goals.

Interestingly enough, I realized this week that I am part of the problem. I realized that I take part in conversations that are not edifying. What good is it to complain, murmur, and grumble about what is or not going on? What good is it to let what is happening around me impact my emotions? It doesn’t do any good. It only causes me frustration and causes my emotions to get all riled up. Yes, I am part of the problem. In some ways, that’s okay. Since I am part of the problem, I can become the solution.

Light looked down and beheld darkness.
'Thither will I go,' said Light.
Peace looked down and beheld war.
'Thither will I go,' said Peace.
Love looked down and beheld hate.
'Thither will I go,' said Love.
So Light came, and shone.
So Peace came, and gave rest.
So Love came, and gave light.
And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.

So, no. I don’t expect this road to be easy. I do expect that the grace and mercy of God will help me along the path.

This is great timing. As we enter Holy Week, it makes the sacrifice Christ made even more tangible. Christ died to give me life. So, now I die to become more like Him and live.