I’m currently in the process of giving my home a very deep cleaning. When I say cleaning, it’s more like a purging. I have many clothes and items that I don’t use. It’s not only time for me to give the items to people who actually would use them but also time to make room for things that I will actually use.
A good example is my closet. I abhor dry clean only clothes. I don’t wear them because I am too cheap/lazy to dry clean them. Yes, I could hand wash them. Yes, I could stop being cheap and put dry cleaning in my budget. But, I won’t. As I cleared the clothes, I realized this will help me see more items that got drowned out in the sea of clothes. I’m going to budget a little each month to buy more. One of my Facebook friends commented that her grandmother taught her to buy an outfit each pay period. Sounds good to me! I will stop buying/accepting dry clean only items. I will also only buy jewelry that screams out at me. I don’t need a lot. Just some classic pieces I want to wear.
I went through each room and removed things I hadn’t used in the last year (or two or three or four). In my kitchen, there were honestly items I hadn’t used since I moved in ten years ago. I am sure there is someone out there who could/would use the items!
It did get hard when I came across items that were given to me as gifts. I felt bad giving those up, but I tried to look past who gave me the gift and look more to it’s time to give up items that aren’t being used.
I’m just about done. I need to go through some items stored in my closet. Once that it is done, I will look through each room one more time. Then I will take what hasn’t been claimed by my friends.
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