Wednesday, May 21, 2014

AAPI Lunch 2014

Des and I were able to bring out outfits from India for today's AAPI lunch. There are pictures from last year's lunch in the May 2013 folder.

Getting in Shape

Speaking of getting in shape, here is a recent picture. I feel great. Not just because I am losing pounds but also because I am eating better and sleeping better.

I went and saw my doctor a while back and she was happy because I had lost the ten pounds she advised me to lose a year ago :).

Me on Mother's Day at church


As part of my quest to get into shape, I've been trying to walk more. I walk along the waterfront and in the Sculpture Park in Seattle most week days. Here are some pictures of the latest sculpture called, Echo.

The sculpture is 46-foot-tall and the face of a girl is named "Echo." It was named after a nymph from Greek mythology who was deprived of speech, except to repeat the last words of another. It also reminds me that life has a habit of being a reflection or echo of what you put out.