Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Vienna Night One - You Must Leave by Seven

We arrived in Vienna yesterday afternoon. After I got settled in, I joined the couple from Qatar, Lisa and Brooks, for dinner.

I need to remember the name of the dish I had, but it was good. Brooks had some boiled beef, which was by far the best dish.

When we asked for a table a little before six, the restaurant was almost empty but there were a lot of seven o' clock reservations.

So the host was like I can sit you but you must leave be seven. It wasn't rude it was just very matter of fact. We laughed about that for the rest of the night. You must leave by seven. Yes, still on the floor!

We then went to the concert. It was good. There was a live orchestra and also some singers and some dancers. Good way to spend an evening. I was so tired when we got home and was ready to crash!

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