Thursday, October 11, 2012

Bucket List

Updated Bucket List:

Places to Go:
Turkey (Technically I have been to there but a very short time period)
Ever growing list

It would be cool to visit all seven continents by age 50 and to visit 101 countries in my lifetime. For me it’s important to go and spend time in a county. I spent a day in China so it counts toward my progress, but a day in a country so vast is nothing. So I want quality time in each country. Three nights (per city) is actually my preferred stay but some places are doable in two. I’m not one of the seven countries in seven days travelers. Like when I first went to Europe, I spent a month between three countries and I felt like I was able to see the places. I think three countries in two weeks is also fine. Like this trip coming up in four countries in two weeks. Actually five, because I am doing a day trip to Slovakia.

Things to Do:

Go horseback riding
Ride in an aqua plane
Write a Book
Take a photography class
Go on a horse and buggy ride during the winter with some hot chocolate

I figure I will try to do a few things on my bucket list each year. Some are simple and some are complex. I will just keep adding to it as time goes.

While the goal is heaven, I think God wants us to enjoy the journey. I know that I need to make progress towards the kingdom, but I have to think God wants me to smell the roses during the journey. There are just so many awesome places to go and things to see. And I don’t consider them a distraction. I consider them to be part of my journey.

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