Thursday, October 11, 2012

Bucket List Progress

Well I have crossed two items off of my Bucket List!

I rode the Duck and I went whale watching!

The Duck was really fun. I went with Des for her birthday. See photo. We had a good driver, and I learned some awesome facts, though sometimes I couldn’t tell if the driver was kidding or if it was actually true. One thing I did learn was where Christian Grey lives! LOL! Part of the trip is the duck going in the water in Lake Union. Saw some really nice house boats.

Whale watching was so awesome. It’s one of the things were I felt a little silly earnestly praying to God to see a whale when I probably should have been praying against poverty or domestic violence or some other major social issue. But I realized as I was praying that God does cover the small things that may be insignificant and silly to others but are so very important to me. We saw a Minke whale. Maybe whales. I am not sure if it was the same whale or different whales. It was so magical and special to me.

I used to dream about whales all of the time, and I was always so disappointed when I woke up to discover it was not true. If you are my friend on Facebook, I posted a video. You can hear me gasp when the whale appeared. I was trying to count the number of times it appeared but lost track. It was awesome. We also saw an eagle and three types of seals. One time we were downwind from the larger male seals, and the stench was nasty! See photo.

I will say I feel like I have been to Friday Harbor. See photo. It would be a great place to do a weekend gateway one of the years.

Progress has been made!

Friday Harbor

Des and I on the Duck

Seals Sunbathing

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