Saturday, October 3, 2015

Fit for the Kingdom

Fit for Kingdom - Living Well to Serve Well

In order to fully serve others well, we must make sure we are taking care of ourselves in all of the areas of our lives, including our physical and mental health. We often overlook how these two areas are intertwined, but they are connected. Poor physical health can be draining mentally. And poor mental health can cause us to neglect our physical health. Poor physical or mental health will impact our ability to serve in a negative manner.

Our physical health means having good body health. This is done simply by regular exercise, eating right, and getting enough sleep.

The Department of Health and Human Services recommends at least 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes a week of vigorous activity. Sound like a lot? It’s not really. It’s the amount of time you could spend watching a TV show or movie. If you walk briskly for 22 minutes a day, you can reach the recommended 150 minutes a week. 22 minutes is shorter than watching a nightly sitcom. It could be done by using your breaks at work to go for short walks outside or inside your workplace.

Food is energy. You have heard the saying, “You are what you eat.” Eat fresh fruits and vegetables each day. Push away the donut except on special occasions. Drink plenty of water. Limit processed foods, and eat as much fresh foods as you can! Instead of snacking on potato chips, snack on almonds or cashews. Make what you eat count! It’s all about balance. I’m a firm believer in moderation. You can enjoy that cake and ice-cream but not every day.

Many of us are sleep depraved. Getting seven to eight hours of sleep is huge. Adults who get less than seven hours of sleep have difficulty concentrating and suffer from more mood problems. Lack of sleep can cause us to make mistakes or to react badly to little things. Lack of sleep can also lead to chronic health problems like high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.

Of course, these are all interrelated. I can tell you my sleep pattern changed drastically for the positive when I increased my physical activity. I found that I had the time to work out, I just had to prioritize it in my schedule. Investing in your health is one of the best investments you can make.

Mental health means having good emotional health. Good mental health helps us enjoy life, bounce back from adversity, achieve balance, be flexible and adapt, feel safe and secure, and helps us make the best out of our circumstances.

We live in a society that is constantly in flux. Changes happen so rapidly, and it can be overwhelming to our emotions, especially since it seems like it is never ending. Our mental stress can lead to physical stress.

The choices we make today will have long-term impacts on our health. For example, skipping important routine exams in the here and now, can lead to consequences later. So be sure to schedule your appointments. Listen to your body when it talks. If you feel tired, rest. If you feel overstimulated mentally, go for a walk to clear your mind.

Take care of your health – physically and mentally. If you are at your optimal, it will help you serve at 100%. And remember to take the time to rest from activity. There is nothing wrong with taking an evening to enjoy a good book. You work hard, and you need to take the time to reenergize to serve well.

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