Saturday, October 3, 2015

Editor's Corner

Articles from the latest Scroll.

Editor's Corner

The editing team met with Kris Fulsaas for our yearly retreat in July. As we talked about the next four issues, a reoccurring theme was living out our purposes. It was a very fluid transition from our last four issues on becoming our authentic selves. So we selected an overarching theme of “Walking Out Your Purpose” for the next four issues.

We thought the first step to walking out your purpose would be to discover your purpose. While I think most of us have some inclination regarding our purposes, it is important to be intentional in walking them out. And while the foundation of our purposes remains the same, our purposes and tasks can change with seasons of our lives. The great thing about our purposes is that they lie in the midst of our gifts, talents, and passions. We are constantly being equipped for purpose; it is just a matter of walking it out.

For me, this year has been interesting for a lack of a better word. There has been so much distraction, and the distraction is just a ploy to get me focused on myself instead of being focused on God, discovering my purpose for this season, and living out my purpose.

The book of Esther was such a wonderful reminder that God is working in the background. For every plot and scheme of the enemy, God has a counterplan. The growth we gain in these seasons helps us to walk better in our purposes and equips us for our assignments.

I took real joy in writing “Men of the Bible” for this issue. Studying and remembering the story of Mordecai has been unbelievably timely. In a period when I feel a little shaken and distracted because of a wide range of circumstances, it was a nice reminder that God has me. In Mordecai, we see a wonderful example of a person who used the challenges that came his way to create opportunities. And he did not waste any opportunities. I want to turn my challenges into opportunities and walk knowing that I am being equipped for purpose.

What opportunities or challenges are around you that can help you discover or walk further in your purpose?

We’ve said it time and time again; the body needs your gifts and talents. Like Esther and Mordecai, you are here for such a time as this.

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