Thursday, August 11, 2011

Week 32

I had the privilege of meeting Dale Sewall and others on Sunday. Dale came to my church to receive prayer for his health. He was diagnosed with brain cancer in April. After church, we went to dinner, and I was so amazed at his perspective and faith. Below is a link to the blog he and his family created as they go through this journey.

It does put things into perspective.

Little things have a way of getting in the way. Most of these little things won’t matter in a week, month, or year. And this is something I have said before, mainly because I need to repeat it.

For my devotional, I used Solomon 2:15, “Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes.”

I have always taken this to mean that it’s the little annoyances that come together to create a bigger problem that have a way of taking us down. Giving room, little problems can become huge crisis if they are allowed free range. It could also be talking about opening the door to sin. A compromise now, which is followed by a little more compromise next week, that leads to who knows where.

In the overall scheme of life, little things don’t matter. Someone talking ill of me or thinking ill of me doesn’t matter, especially when it’s normally someone I don’t particularly care about or think well of anyway. No, that doesn’t matter.

What does matter?

Loving my family and friends and being present for them when I can. I am learning that there are times when “no” is the right answer. Completing the tasks God has given me in this life. All achievable if I can brush aside the “little” things (and the big things) that pop up.

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