Thursday, January 28, 2010

Restless Energy

The last couple of weeks have been terrible busy at work. Monthly reporting married to year-end reporting. Yeah it’s crazy.

Throughout these last several weeks, I can’t quite shake the feeling that I should be doing something. It’s not the same feeling I have when something is missing. It’s a little different. It’s like I want to be out. I want to about. I want to be in the streets.

What’s weird about this is that I normally want to be home.

It’s like I can see myself just going for a walk and letting my feet take me where they will go. There is something out there for me. The question is what!?

Friday, January 22, 2010

Acting on 2010 Goals

One of my unwritten/unspoken goals for 2010 is to write a book. I know that there is a book or two in me. It’s just a matter of getting it out. I’ve had a few prophesies over my life concerning my writing.

The first one involved God changing the “muse” in writing, which has happened slowly over time. The second involved me writing books and words to bless God’s people.

I have seen life, obstacles, fears, etc. paralyze people into not fulfilling the words spoken over their lives. My prayer is that God prods me along the way.

I was sleep this week, and I woke up in the middle of the night. I had all these great ideas for topics. I sleepily woke up and wrote them down as they came to me. Hopefully, I will be able to read my writing when the time comes.

I’m thinking that during Lent, I will commit to writing for two hours each day. I will find that two hours my giving up television or Facebook. LOL.

Pray for me, please!

Locking: Week Two

Today marks two weeks since I started the locking process.

Locking my hair is something I have been contemplating for years now. I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to commit to it.

At the beginning of the year, I decided I was going to just do it. My main problem is that I analyze decisions for so long that I end up thinking myself out of decisions. So, I knew I had to act fast.

I called the shop, Good Hair, and I called to make a consultation appointment. This was January 7. I was told that the next consultation appointment opening was January 22, which just happens to be today. I was also told that someone has just canceled for tomorrow (January 8), which was an appointment for getting the hair locked.

I initially made the appointment for January 22. After speaking to my friend Candy, I decided to just jump in with my clothes on. I called and changed appointments.

The first thing I learned was that I would not be able to wash my hair for six weeks. I was like, what?! Black hair is naturally dry, so we have to add moisture to it. Washing our hair too much strips it of its natural oil. I basically wash my hair every three to four days. When I had my hair straight and was going to the salon, it was washed every two weeks. Still, six weeks was a long time.

I’m glad to say, I have made my first two weeks! I actually received a dry wash, which is basically a wash without water and with astringent. I have been using astringent on my scalp to keep it clean. I need the help of my friends for that because I can’t do the back of my hair.

So here are some updated photos.

Next steps:
In two weeks, I go in and have maintenance. Some water but no scrubbing.
In two weeks after that, an actual wash with scrubbing. I can’t wait!

Oh, and I decided to not get a new car. I’m trying to separate wants from needs. I don’t drive all that much and my current car is in great shape!

Friday, January 8, 2010

The Search for God

My belief in God is strong. If I look back over my life, I can see His hand on me. There are too many things that could have been. There are too many things that I have been protected from.

I am always amazed at some people who don’t believe who are constantly trying to tell me that God doesn’t exist. I am at the point where I feel my belief in God is being attacked on a daily basis. There is this subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) attempt to plant disbelieve in my mind.

I learned to stop debating God’s existence early on in my Christian walk. It’s tiresome to talk in circles. The Bible talks about casting pearls among swine. The Gospel is too valuable to waste. At the end of the day, neither party was going to change their mind.

Where would I start in presenting the evidence that God has been real in my life? How do I explain the ways in which He has by faith shown Himself to be real to me?

At the end of the day, I am very sad for the people who have never a chance to meet Him.

All Things Will Become New

2010 is going to be a great year! It is time to open myself up to new things.

Eight days into 2010 I have a new hairdo. I’ve been thinking about locking my hair for years. The commitment to the locking process is what has stopped me. It will take one year for it to lock, five years for it to really lock. I am in this for the long run. A new year/decade, a new look.

I’m also thinking about getting a new car. I don’t need a new car. It’s something I want. So I have to balance it out. My car is a 2001 and has been paid off. Do I want to go back to a car payment? It’s in good shape but at the point where things slowly need to be replaced.

I am trying to make some changes in my behavior. I want to be less judgmental. I also want to give 100% of myself all the time. Sometimes I get lazy, but everyone I encounter deserves for me to be 100% there. This is at work with dealing with customers (external and internal), at church, and with my family and friends.

Above all, I have a new attitude. Like I said in the Ireland blog, something that was dormant sprang to life. I am excited about it. I am excited about the possibilities and the future. Good things are in store!

However, as Home Sweet Home goes, “Just when things when right, it doesn’t mean they were always wrong.” My life has been great thus far, but the best is yet come.