Saturday, May 2, 2009


Sometimes, I catch the number 43 bus home. It’s a five-minute longer, more scenic route than my normal, more direct number 11, which tends to run late.

There is such a thing as Murphy’s Law. If I catch the 43, the 11 will be on time. If I don’t catch the 43 the 11 will be later than normally. As they say, I can’t win for losing.

When I catch the 43, I am constantly looking back to see if the 11 is behind me. I wonder if I made the right decision. If I see the 11 behind me, should I slip off and change buses (and then have to stand because all of the seats are taken)?

I have three bus stops, where the 43 and 11 are on the same path, to contemplate this. After that, the buses veer to different routes. I am committed to my choice.

This happened last night and it got me thinking about life and choices. Once a decision has been made should I not just look forward to what is ahead of me. In life, one can spend a lot of valuable time looking back and regretting the choices made or one could just simply believe they are where they should be at that given time and life with the choices and learn from them.

That is the angle I am taking today. It did occur to me I could talk about waiting for the right, more direct bust instead of getting on a route just because it’s there and convenient. Why would I want to take a longer route? Sometimes, I just want to be away from downtown or on my way or out of the rain.

Yes, good and bad, I am on a journey and I can’t regret the directions I have gone.

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