Thursday, October 3, 2013

PCC Scroll: Men of the Bible - Abraham

Name: Abraham
Meaning: Father of many nations
Work: He was a tender of livestock
Character: Abraham was a man of faith who followed God even in the most challenging of circumstances
Sorrow: Abraham compromised God's instructions
Triumph: Abraham obeyed God and God blessed him with a son in his old age
Scripture Reference: Genesis 12-23

When God called Abraham to leave his family and go to a place where He would send him, Abraham had no idea where that place would be. Nevertheless, Abraham obeyed God. He was known as “the friend of God” because he obeyed God even to the point of nearly sacrificing his only son. Obeying God takes great faith because we cannot always rationalize what He is asking us to do.

Our story, like Abraham's story, is one that has been built on faith. We have followed God blindly. Like Abraham, we have sometimes compromised God’s instructions because we have doubted it was God who was leading us. Yet, God, who loves us so much, is willing to time and time again reconfirm His promise to us who are heirs of Abraham. The land, the promises, and the blessings are our inheritance. We should look back at the promises that God promised Abraham. God promised that He would be merciful to Abraham and his descendents forever. God promised He would make Abraham’s name great and make him a blessing. God promised He would bless those who blessed Abraham and curse those who cursed him. God promised He would establish His covenant as an everlasting covenant between Him and Abraham’s descendants for generations to come. God promised He would be Abraham’s God and the God of the descendants after him. God promised through Abraham’s offspring, all nations on earth would be blessed because Abraham had obeyed Him.

What an example to live by. In the face of killing his son, risking death in Egypt, and giving his wife to Pharaoh, Abraham was a man with character. He determined he would hear, believe, and obey his God no matter what the cost. People of the Most High God, let us be like Abraham. Let us believe, obey, and be called a friend of God so that we too will be blessed and receivers of God’s promises to Abraham.

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