Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My Christmas Letter

If I wrote a Christmas letter, it would go something like this.

2009 has been a challenging but fruitful year. I believe that the valuable lessons learned will lead to 2010 being a great year!

As you know, I have a goal to take one major trip each year. This year, I visited Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and the Republic of Ireland. I encountered many interesting people along the way. I traveled to Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland alone. They are English speaking countries so it was piece of cake. I met my friend Candy and her friend (now my friend) Pam in Dublin. We traveled around the Republic of Ireland, and we traveled well together and had many great conversations about life.

I’ve been obsessed with going to Ireland for some time. I was expecting something wonderful to happen and it did. The trip awakened something that had lain dormant inside of me for some time. I cracked open a door that had been sealed shut for a long time, and it feels good.

I am still working for the Port of Seattle. October 1, 2009, marked our 13th anniversary (included my temp time). It’s hard to believe. It’s had its up and downs. I have great coworkers and good benefits. I am also grateful for the opportunity for training. This year, I have take InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop. My team also did a presentation skills training where we were filmed. I was traumatized going in, but glad coming out. I also received a mentor in the mentoring program the Port has. I also participated in a telecommuting pilot program, which I loved! When it comes down to it, I am thankful to have a job.

Church is going well. I am putting the final touches to the first issue of year nine of our newsletter. It’s hard to believe it’s been that long. It continues to be something I enjoy. I know I was called to write, and my skills as an editor are improving. I am also an usher still. I have come a long way from my “mean usher” days. God has been good to me. God has surrounded me with wonderful people. I am truly blessed in this area. God has sent me a lot of love, and I am thankful for it.

I pray that you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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