Saturday, March 14, 2009

In the Fullness of Time

People express their love for God in many ways. People also seek God differently. Some people seek out God in the divine. I seek out God in the everyday. I am not just talking about seeing Him in His handiwork, though He is there. The sound of rain. The smell flowers. The mountains covered in snow. I seek God in what are seemingly random acts of life. I am always totally amazed how everything falls into place. Every seemingly ordinary event falls into this overall puzzle that is shaping itself into being my life. Some people might call it chance. I call it things working out for my good. Yes, there are things such as destiny and fate and all of these seemingly random acts of life are working together. It’s like all the decision, choices, and paths are leading me somewhere. My ordered steps are continuously completing more of the puzzle. Now, something is waiting for the fullness of time to reveal itself to me.

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