Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Bucket List: √ and √

Since I last looked at my “Bucket List” in June 2015, I have accomplished two items from it! √√!

One item is from my Places to Go list. I finally made it to Portugal. It was awesome. One of my favorite memories is a great night out in Lisbon, and I enjoyed the beauty of the Algarve region, which was amazing. I may be going back next year with a friend of mine, and I have mentioned adding in Morocco to the trip to her, which would satisfy another place from the list.

The other item was from my Things to Do list. I have always wanted to take a photography class, and I did so on Saturday. It was a four-hour class that had three hours of lecture with practice and then one hour in the studio taking pictures. There is so much to learn! The instructor strongly encouraged keeping the camera on manual and adjusting the camera to whatever setting needed. I need to play with my camera more when I have time. This spring and summer, I hope to spend some Saturdays in parks just practicing.

I want to get really good at photography for when I travel. I don’t want to miss moments fidgeting with the camera, so I will have to use the best of both worlds. I can do manual when I have the time to dedicate to it (smile). I also wouldn’t mind taking a class at a community college if times allows.

Taking the class also satisfied a goal I have for 2016. I want to make it about learning. I am learning Instagram and Twitter. I also would like to take a class or have an experience each month. So it would be a good year to try to tackle the remainder of the list. I need to keep my eyes on Groupon.

And I am planning on working on the second anthology this year. The Call for Submission went out, and submissions are due to me on April 1, which reminds me, I need to write some new material myself!

Updated Bucket List:

Places to Go:
Turkey (Technically I have been to there but a very short time period during a cruise)

Things to Do:
Go horseback riding
Write a Book (I need to start/finish the second anthology)
Go on a helicopter ride
Go on a hot air balloon ride

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great lists LTB! I have had my eye on Portugal as well, but it is lower on the list than some others. Nice to know you loved it. And good luck on that second book. I just finished mine!