Working out does not have to be expensive or time consuming. To save monetarily, it is just a matter of looking around you and using what is easily, freely, or cheaply accessible. To save time, it’s a matter of adding in a bunch of little things that count over the course of the day.
Working out outdoors has benefits. Studies have shown that being in nature reduces stress and depression, leads to faster healing time and less need for medication, and helps you sleep better. Walking and jogging are both something we can do free and outdoors. Of course living in the PNW, sometimes rain may prevent our being motivated to doing outdoor activity. In that case, walking around the mall or your job could also do the trick. Whether inside or outside, you could also tackle a bunch of stairs. One of my coworkers quit her gym and spends 30 minutes walking up and down the stairs in her apartment building. She is able to fit her workout in when it’s most convenient to her schedule, and it is free.
When it comes to weight training, you don’t have to join a gym or buy a bunch of equipment that ends up sitting in the corner after a few months. We can use our bodies as weight to do things like planks, pushups, and sit-ups. There are also tried and true exercises like squats, lunges, jumping jacks, burpees, mountain climbers, etc. A jump rope could also be a small but effective investment. Also, look around you for things you can use as weights such as cans of food at home or big rocks in nature. You could do shoulder raises, overhead presses, tricep kickbacks, and bicep curls with them. You could also use a sturdy chair for tap ups or to do sit down/jump up exercises. You could even do heel raises while brushing your teeth, rinsing dishes, or washing your hands.
There are also things that require some investment. There are outside activities like riding your bike or gardening. Both will help you get some much needed Vitamin N (Nature). Riding your bike can also be used as a time to get together with family or friends while exercising. In the same vein, we do a lot of socializing while eating. So instead of meeting your friends for lunch, why not meet them for a walk in the park? When gardening, be careful about how you are bending because you don’t want to injure yourself. Another small investment could be to invest in workout DVDs that you like. You may want to have a variety from Zumba to MixxedFit to Pilates to Yoga.
There are also tricks to sneaking in steps like parking far from the entrance when you go to various places and taking the stairs whenever possible. If you ride the bus, getting off a stop or two earlier could give you a few minutes of exercise that will significantly add up over the course of days and weeks.
Don’t forget that cleaning is also a low impact activity that expends energy. When cleaning, be careful about how you are bending because you don’t want to injure yourself.
And don’t forget dancing. Sometimes when I am at home, I will turn on music and just dance. It’s great exercise! Our very own Sister Deidre Daymon teaches MixxedFit on Monday and Wednesday evenings at 6:00 at the Rainer Community Center (off of Rainier and Alaska). See her for more information.
Whatever you decide to do, remember to be careful. It’s important to make sure you stretch before and after. When outside, be sure to wear plenty of sunscreen. Also, remember to involve your friends and family. It’s a great time to interact and a great way to add some accountability into your routine.
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