Saturday, December 28, 2013

2013 Letter

Happy almost New Year Friends and Family,

2013 was a good year overall.

For my yearly “big” trip, I went to Germany, Austria, and Switzerland with a drive by in Lichtenstein in October. I had such great weather! 

I started in Mainz and then to Heidelberg. In Switzerland, I spent a few nights in Lucerne and also went to Mount Pilatus. On the way to Austria, did a stop by in Lichtenstein. I went to Austria last year, but only to Vienna. This year, I went to Innsbruck and Salzburg. I spent most of my time in Germany in Munich (I think six nights). Plus some side trips from the various cities to Neuschwanstein Castle, Eagle’s Nest, Linderhof, and spent a few hours in Oberammergou. From Munich, I did day trips to Dachau and Regensburg.

I really liked Lucerne. It’s on my list of places that would make great honeymoon spots. It was so magical and beautiful. And being on Mount Pilatus was amazing. I kept trying to take a mental picture to remember the peace I felt up there so I can remember it during stressful times. I also enjoyed spending time in the Black Forest doing my own version of hiking. Seeing two of “Mad King” Ludwig’s castles was cool. Neuschwanstein Castle is supposed to have inspired Walt Disney so it got me thinking about my prince charming and happily ever after.

During the trip, I was trying to rank the churches and castles I have seen in my travel. It’s hard because they are all wonderful in their own unique ways.

Trip Highlights:
  • Going to the Gutenberg Museum and seeing the three Bibles. Also hearing about the history of printing was very timely since I was waiting on my books!
  • The beauty of Lucerne. It was very magical.
  • I was surprised how moved I was by the Lion Monument in Lucerne. Louis XVI had around 600 armed guards from Austria. When the revolution started and the people stormed the palace, he ordered his guards to not raise their swords. The guards obeyed and were killed. So this monument honors them. The Lion, looks so sad. His paw is on his shield and he's crying and he has a spear in his side.
  • Peacefulness of Black Forest and Mount Pilatus. Moments I wish I could bottle up.
  • Magic of Neuschwanstein Castle and Linderhof. Ah the power of imagination.
  • Spending a nice, warm, fall day with new friends in the English Garden in Munich.

And perhaps the most enjoyable part of traveling is realizing how many feet have trod where I walked. Like the stone bridge in Regensburg that was built in 1146. Amazing!

Me in Lucerne

I traveled to Long Beach for my job in March. That was great because I got to so see some colleagues who I have grown quite found of over the years. In May, I went to New England for the first time. It was nice visiting my friend and visiting another part of the country. During that trip, I liked Gloucester especially. It felt like a working waterfront, which is something I love.

Me in Gloucester

I am still working for the Port of Seattle. October 1, 2013, marked my 17th anniversary (included my temp time). It’s crazy how quickly that time went, and I can say I have met some really amazing people through the organization. Hopefully the port and I can stay together as long as possible.

The most exciting thing on the church front was finishing the compiling, editing and publishing of the anthology for my church! It’s available online at Amazon as well as Barnes and Noble. It was a long effort, and I am quite pleased with the results. I am still working on the newsletter. The January issue will begin year 13! Totally crazy! And the April issue will make issue 50. Wowzers! I am excited for the double issue. I still usher. I was reminded of my “mean usher” days and it made me smile. How far we have come.

The book

My hair is coming along. January 8 marked four years of locking. People ask me if it’s “all me” quite a bit, and yes it is.

I have no idea of what 2014 will bring, but I am excited! I haven’t had any big major changes in my life in a while, but I feel like I am ready to shake things up. Everything is the same: same company, same job, same place, same car, etc. I suppose this is good, but it could be time for a new challenge. I know I want to express myself creatively more: writing, painting, and photography.

I hope you had a great Christmas, and I wish you a Happy New Year!

I took a seaplane ride for the first time. Seattle from the air.

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