Thursday, January 9, 2014

Random Thoughts

Just wrapped up Volume XIII Issue I of the PCC Scroll. Have I mentioned I'm super excited that the next issue is the 50th issue!!!

In other news:
  1. Yesterday was the four-year anniversary of my hair being locked. I'm very pleased with it. I said I would keep it at minimum for five years. I love how my hair is very low maintenance, which is exactly what I need.
  2. I meet with a personal trainer mid-month for the first time ever. We will set some goals and then get to work on getting me in shape. I have a loose plan on seeing her twice a week, doing a dance video twice a week, and making sure I walk 45 minutes five times a week. My diet overall is pretty good since I bring fruit and veggies to snack it at work. I can do better is my evening snacking habits. 
  3. My official port anniversary is coming up next month, which will make 16 years. Counting my temp-time, I am at 17.
  4. Entering end-year reporting madness at my job. I'll just handle it one-report at a time.
  5. Exciting that Downton Abbey is back on the air! Though I don't think I take another season of Barrow being so underhanded. 
  6. I'm almost done watching Season Nine of the office, which is bittersweet. That show has some really funny parts, and I am sure my neighbor is tired of hearing me laugh.

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